Alastair Barr – Castle Dore’s valued Treasurer
Alastair has been an active and valuable volunteer both within his club, Castle Dore RC, and within the region. He has had many volunteer roles over the years, including WEARA President. Currently his regional roles are as treasurer both of WEARA and the WRRC.
Dealing with the regional finances is a job which often goes on unnoticed in the background, but is a vital job without which the region could not function. Alastair puts in many hours of work each week dealing with invoices and payments relating to regional activities, such as Level 2 coaching courses, junior training camps and other events.
In particular Alastair has dealt for the last four years with finances of the Regional Schools Indoor Rowing Championships, which this year saw over 500 entries from 30 schools. Invoicing and chasing payment from 30 school finance departments is a thankless and time consuming task, which Alastair carried out efficiently and without complaint. He is also a regular attendee at all WEARA and WRRC committee meetings and also chairs the WEARA finance sub-committee.
Rarely does Alastair miss a meeting, despite the two and half hour round trip from Cornwall for most meetings. All this is on top of Alastair’s various roles within his own club, which includes the majority of the club’s coaching of seniors and novices, and running the club’s Project Oarsome programme with two local schools.