‘Mid-Term’ Mission 2012 report highlights encouraging post-Beijing progress

Press release from UK Sport: 

Britain’s Olympians and Paralympians are returning to competition this year with encouraging evidence that the success of Beijing is being built on, according to the latest outputs from UK Sport’s Mission 2012 assessment programme.

With the summer competition season now in full swing, this ‘mid term’ assessment shows that in the build up to London 2012, nine Olympic and five Paralympic sports are registered as overall ‘green’ on the Mission 2012 Tracker Board, with  17 and 12 ‘amber’ respectively. Only two sports – handball and sitting volleyball – have a ‘red’ rating that suggests significant change is required if performance is to be maximised ahead of the home Games.

Commenting on the results, John Steele, UK Sport’s Chief Executive, said: "By the end of the month there will be only three years to go until the London Games and I think we can be satisfied with where we’re at. Our sports and athletes have now re-focused after Beijing and it has been very refreshing over the past month or so not only to see our summer Olympians and Paralympians back in action but competing well against international opposition."

The full press release can be read at the UK Sport website

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