A coastal challenge on the Channel

Is your club looking for a new challenge this summer?

Carteret Rowing Club, France, has issued an invite for UK crews to take part in its annual Jersey-Carteret coastal rowing race on July 20th.

Now in its 30th year, the famous race features 50 coastal rowing crews from the Channel Islands and France, as well as a number of competitors from further afield.

This year’s event is set to feature Atlantic rowers from UK and France, with a celebratory barbecue, concert and fireworks on the finishing line at Carteret beach.

‘The race started from a friendship between UK and France 30 years ago,’ said Mathieu Laine of Carteret Rowing Club. ‘We would very much like to invite UK coastal rowing clubs for the birthday edition… and to strengthen our ties with UK South East coastal clubs, which are our neighbours.’

Entries to the 2013 Jersey-Carteret international rowing race are now open! Find out more about the event at www.aviron-carteret.com/English.html.

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