Merits earnt on the water at Mersey Docks

With the famous Liver Birds Building and Liverpool Cathedral’s in the distance, this part of the revitalised Liverpool Mersey Docks was a change of scenery for the crews that normally row on rivers, lakes or canals. Negotiating Sea Cadets holding their Regional Regatta in 4 oared boats, crews from Warrington, Hollingworth Lake, Runcorn and hosts Mersey took part in the new League competition supported by British Rowing’s Explore Programme Manager Jo Atkinson.
With 3 races each over a short course of about 300 metres the action was enjoyed by spectators and participants alike. This was the second round of the North West’s Explore Rowing League series with two further rounds to come. Hosts Mersey RC’s crew ‘Press Ganged’ finished their day with 3 wins , Hollingworth Lakes crew ’Motivated Driftwood’ with 2 wins and Runcorn’s ‘Weaver Diva’ crew with 1 win.
If you are new to rowing or have never raced, look out for similar events held at a local venue “a day’s rowing, really cheap to enter and with cake thrown in – what’s not to like?” as one participant described it!
With most Regions now running an Explore Rowing League series, if you have not seen a flier or poster and want to know more, contact your local Area Participation Manager – names and contact details can be found at
Quote from Elaine Richardson – Runcorn Participant:
“As part of Runcorn Rowing Club’s ‘Weaver Divas’ crew, we thoroughly enjoyed the previous event hosted by Warrington Rowing Club and were looking forward to this one. Bev Johnstone, our women’s captain, was roped in as cox at the last minute and although we only had one win we all thoroughly enjoyed the event and camaraderie and are looking forward to the next one where our water and coxing skills will be put to the test!”