Latest update on the Competition Framework
It’s been a big week for rowing as the Competition Framework enters its next phase with Personal Ranking Index points going live

Crews at the White Rose Head (photo: Mark Woosey)
You may have noticed we added something new to your British Rowing profile this week.
If you click here, then click on ‘Ranking Points’ on the left, you’ll see a beta version of your Personal Ranking Index (PRI). This will replace the current points structure when we launch the new British Rowing Competition Framework in 2018.
The big difference with the new Competition Framework is that your PRI is based on your performance in an event, rather than just gaining points if you win. The better you perform, the more PRI points you’ll get. You’ll get PRI for heads and regattas, which will provide an even better measure of your ability.
We’re still in the test phase and have calculated your PRI based on the historical results we have for you on our system. We’ve had to do quite a bit of work to configure the old results into the new system, so it’s very possible there may be some anomalies in the data.
If you do spot any anomalies (eg. if we list a competition you didn’t race in, or don’t list a competition you did race in) it would be great if you could let us know through the online form on the Ranking Points pages. This will help us refine our software and system before launch.
Note that Henley Royal Regatta, Henley Women’s Regatta, Home International, GB Trials and other international standard events aren’t currently listed, so no need to alert us if these aren’t on your profile.
This week also saw the Women’s Eights Head open for entries using the new British Rowing Online Entry system (BROE2). This is a large, diverse competition that includes composites and overseas entries. The organisers report that apart from one glitch that was reported early on and remedied quickly, the system is working well, with over 70 entries received so far.
“I have set up the South Yorkshire Head in less than an hour today on my own. This must be an absolute record and I have to say it appears to be a lot easier than it ever was (with the old system).” Donald McDougall
A number of other competitions are also using BROE2 over the coming months to help test the system before its wider roll out. These include:
- Wycliffe Big Head (4 February)
- South Yorkshire Head (11 February)
- Bedford Eights & Fours Head (12 February)
- Avon County Spring Head (25 February)
- Yorkshire Head (11 March)
- Junior Sculling Head (24 March)
Some are already open for entries, while others are still in planning. So far, feedback from these competitions is very encouraging with no significant issues coming to light. For example, BROE2 successfully dealt with demand of up to 350 entries in four hours, with a peak of over five entries a minute and reports are coming back that the new system easier to use than the old system.
Commenting on this next phase, Phil Hornsey, Director of Membership & Rowing Community said: “As we move nearer to the full roll-out we’ll be introducing more elements of the new Competition Framework and BROE2 to our members and asking for their help in testing them. I’m really excited that we’re a step closer to introducing a Personal Ranking Index for our sport. It will provide the foundation for fairer, closer races, a tangible reward for racing and a genuine measure of a rower’s skill and ability. I’m also really looking forward to seeing who tops the rankings – that’s going to be quite a competition!”
We’ll continue to keep you updated with news about the Competition Framework, but if you need to know more, head to the FAQs page on our website.