Safeguarding and child protection reminders for clubs 2017

Some important reminders for clubs and members about safeguarding and child protection procedures

Safer recruitment

In accordance with section five of the British Rowing Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy (S&PCP), adults deployed by clubs in positions with significant access to children, or who hold a position of trust with children, must first be vetted to ensure they are suitable to work with children.

One of the elements in this safer recruitment process is a criminal records check, but there are several other important steps to follow to ensure an unsuitable person is not recruited to club roles.

Click here to read the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy, with section five found on pages 16 and 17.


The minimum level of training awareness for club members and volunteers is to have read the British Rowing S&PCP, although many roles within the club will require additional training.

All members and volunteers in positions of responsibility for or trust with juniors should attend a Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop at three yearly intervals

Additionally, ‘Time to Listen’, a specialist workshop designed to support the role of the club welfare officer (CWO), has been developed the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU).  This training can be accessed via County Sports Partnerships across the country.  Equally, British Rowing is in the planning stages for our next series of in house TTL workshops, and expressions of interest can be registered by CWOs or clubs via the following link:

Click here to read the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy, with section six found on page 18.

Any questions regarding safeguarding should be directed in the first instance to your club welfare officer.  Club welfare officers who have any further queries are welcome to contact British Rowing’s lead safeguarding officer (

Club Management Portal

Clubs are responsible for updating their page on the Club Management Portal with the relevant details of their elected officers. Any club with a junior section, or that regularly welcomes juniors into its midst, must have a welfare officer in place.

Up-to-date details of the welfare officer, and all other key positions, must be kept on the Club Management Portal.  Clubs or administrators requiring assistance in logging in to club management are welcome to contact for assistance.

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