British Rowing to elect a new Deputy Chairman
The process for the election of a replacement for Gary Harris, Deputy Chairman of British Rowing is underway

Under the UK Government’s new Code for Sports Governance, Gary Harris must stand down from his role as Deputy Chairman of British Rowing by 31 October 2017, creating a casual vacancy* on the Board of British Rowing.
This is because Harris has been in this role, and on the Board, beyond the permitted term limits for any director of a sports body in receipt of substantial public funding. (Requirement 1.13 to 1.15 in the Code). Annamarie Phelps CBE is also affected by this new Code so is required to step down as Chairman of British Rowing in March 2018.
>>> British Rowing Chairman Phelps to step down
The Board wishes to ensure that the post of Deputy Chairman is filled in a timely manner to provide support in the transition to the new Chairman’s term which will commence in March/April 2018.
In accordance with British Rowing Article 12(g), British Rowing’s Council has been invited to nominate candidates to complete the casual vacancy term, starting from 1 November 2017 and running to 31 March 2020. The successful candidate would be eligible to stand for a further full term of four years at the end of this period. During their period of office the Deputy Chairman is not eligible to represent a Club or Region.
In accordance with Article 12(d), nominations must be proposed and seconded by members of the Council and received in writing at least thirty days (30) prior to the Council meeting at which the election is to be held. If you are interested in proposing a candidate please speak to your Regional Chairman or Representative who sits on Council and is eligible to nominate to the position of Deputy Chairman.
Nominations are to be returned to the Company Secretary by 5.00pm on Wednesday, 13 September. Details of nominations received will be circulated to Council after this date. If there is more than one candidate nominated for the role an election will be necessary and will take place at the Council meeting on Saturday, 14 October 2017.
You can download the role description here.
In making their nominations, Council members have been asked to consider British Rowing’s commitment to diversity and our target to maintain a position where a minimum of 30% of Board members are from each gender.
*Casual vacancy – this is a casual vacancy term as it is not the full four-year term but a proportion of it from 1 November 2017 and running to 31 March 2020.