All-Party Parliamentary Rowing Group – letter from Jess Eddie
Olympic silver medallist Jess Eddie urges rowing clubs across England to join the All-Party Parliamentary Rowing Group to help the Group have a stronger voice in Westminster and Whitehall

Dear Club Officer,
I write as the recently appointed Honorary President of Parliament’s All-Party Rowing Group. This is a role I was very happy to accept because of the work the Group and its members – Parliamentarians and non-Parliamentarians – do to support rowing and the key influence the Group can have to benefit rowing in the UK.
The Group is in its twelfth year and comprises Members of Parliament, Peers and non-Parliamentary members who meet regularly in the Palace of Westminster to discuss important matters to rowing. Issues that the Group work on include access to water and mooring strategies, coverage of rowing, and perceptions of the sport, amongst many others, and the Group is keen for non-Parliamentarians to raise issues and areas in which it can support the sport.
Between meetings, the Group raises and promotes rowing in Parliament and to Government, standing up for rowing at every opportunity. Every year, the Group organises an annual charity regatta in front of the House of Lords for clubs involved with the Group, young rowers and adaptive rowers. The final race is the Parliamentary Boat Race between MPs and Peers. The regatta, and other events, are open to members.
The Group relies on the involvement of non-Parliamentary members to discuss issues, provide their experience and raise important matters. It is for this reason that I am writing to you; to urge your club to join the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Rowing. Despite the important work of the Group and its longevity, it is not as well-known as it should be. We need more clubs, regattas and individual rowers to get involved and tell us what can and needs to be done to support you and your club.
I therefore write to ask if your club would consider joining the Group and getting involved. The more clubs that join the Group, the stronger our voice in Westminster and Whitehall, and the more chance we have of ensuring rowing gets the support and recognition it deserves.
If you would like to know more about the Group, or to sign up as a member, visit the Group’s website: Please also encourage your local Member of Parliament to join the Group as the more MPs that join the Group, the greater the influence rowing will have in Parliament and across the sector.
Thank you, and I hope to see you at future meetings and events in Parliament.
Yours sincerely,
Olympic silver medallist
Honorary President, All-Party Parliamentary Group for Rowing
To download a copy of the letter, click here.