Reminder: safeguarding and online tools
With clubs around the country closed, online tools are proving helpful in keeping clubs connected but it’s important to ensure that you are still keeping everyone safe online.

These are clearly challenging times, not least for young people who are dealing with the closure of their schools, clubs and restrictions on their everyday lives – something that none of us has experienced before.
Many clubs are looking at ways of keeping young people connected with rowing and their clubs during this time utilising a range of methods. The most obvious of these is the wide range of online communication and social media tools now available. Platforms such as Google Hangouts, Zoom and Skype provide great opportunities to provide something for these young people, however, it is equally as important to keep everyone safe as it is to keep them healthy at this time.
It is important that when considering any form of online provision for young people that you do not step away from your safeguarding responsibilities. We would remind you of our Social Media Policy (see section 5 of our safeguarding guidance documents) which is in place to protect everyone. Some key points to remember are:
- There should be no one-to-one communication with children and/or young people.
- Do you need to broadcast live? Pre-recording materials is a good way to keep everyone safe.
- If you do want to live stream or provide other interactivity, you need to ensure you think about who is at both ends of the stream – are they who you think they are?
- Do you have consent from parents if you are sending materials to under 18s?
- Who is moderating any content or communications?
- Are people appropriately qualified if they are providing any form of coaching activity?
We will be providing more detailed advice shortly (as well as sharing ideas from around a range of clubs).
We want out rowers to stay fit and happy and if we are sensible this can be achieved. Remember to play safe!