Broccoli salad with feta cheese and tomatoes
GB Rowing chef Marcin Mazur suggests a tasty salad bursting with greens

Photo: Shutterstock
Perfect for a light lunch, this salad is full of nutrients, particularly vitamin K. Read more about this below.
(serves two)
2 medium size broccoli heads
½ bunch of chopped fresh basil
20g of sunflower seeds toasted
20g of pumpkin seeds toasted
2 tbsp of olive oil
20 cherry tomatoes
A few lettuce leaves
200g of feta cheese
Pinch of sea salt and black pepper
How to make it
1. Wash the broccoli, dry it, and cut into small florets. Then boil it in water with a pinch of salt for five minutes – it should still be crunchy.
2. Wash and dry the cherry tomatoes and then slice them in halves. Cut the feta cheese into small cubes.
3. Then put the broccoli in a salad bowl, add the tomatoes, feta cheese, shredded lettuce leaves, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Chop the basil and mix with the olive oil. Finally season with some sea salt and black pepper and enjoy.
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Why’s this good for rowers?
Nutritionist Jacqueline Birtwisle says: “This recipe is a great provider of the nutrient vitamin K, important for healthy blood coagulation. Scientists are looking into the vitamin’s role in heart and bone health.
Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin and can be found in dark green leafy vegetables – such as the broccoli found in this recipe, natto (fermented soybeans) and in some animal products such as eggs, meat and cheese. It likes to be ingested with fat and so the feta and olive oil help with this.”
Nutritional content per serving
572kcal energy
14g carbohydrate
26g protein
43g fat
7g fibre