Latest Return to Rowing Guidance
Following the publication of the details of the new COVID-19 measures announced by the UK Government, we have clarified the effects on the rowing community

Yesterday (22 September) the Prime Minister announced a series of measures for England which will shortly come into effect to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 over the upcoming winter period. Following the publication of the details of this guidance, we are now able to clarify how it affects the rowing community.
- Outdoor sport organised under national governing body guidance continues to be exempt from the ‘rule of six’. Based on this, both crew boat rowing and rowing competition may continue with groups larger than six when following our Return to Rowing guidance. When rowing in a group larger than six, you should not mingle in groups of more than six before and after the activity. For more information please see the Government website – “Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do”
- There is also a specific exemption from the ‘rule of six’ for “work, or the provision of voluntary or charitable services” – this allows for those involved in the organisation of the rowing activity including competitions (e.g. coaches, officials) to be part of a group larger than six as long as it is in line with our Return to Rowing guidance.
- From 24 September, indoor organised sport for over 18s is now subject to the ‘rule of six’. Groups of adults within club gyms or other indoor training facilities should be limited to groups of no larger than six. Clubs may have more than one group within an area of the club providing the different groups do not mix. There is an exemption to this rule for disabled people.
Sporting activity for under 18s in indoor settings should be based on an appropriate risk assessment and the Government’s guidance for out of school settings.
- Club bars and catering facilities must continue to follow the appropriate guidance from the Government for bars and restaurants and, from 24 September, will be required to close no later than 10pm.
- From 24 September, clubs are required to display an official NHS QR code to support NHS Test and Trace. This should be provided alongside an alternative method for members to provide contact details for this purpose. You can read more about these requirements here and create your QR code here. We are seeking further clarification with regards whether different areas of the club (e.g. club bar) should display separate QR codes.
- For the avoidance of doubt, there continues to be an exemption to the ‘rule of six’ for elite sport settings which in rowing only applies to the GB Rowing Team programme.
The clarifications above will be included in the next version of our Return to Rowing guidance alongside learnings from the test competition held last weekend. This version is due for publication at the start of the week commencing 28 September.