Club Welfare Officer Corner
Read more about the new CWO Corner and the latest updates from the Governance Team.

In the recent Club Welfare Officer newsletter, we announced the new CWO Corner in RowHow:
Access to the corner is restricted to Club Welfare Officers only, in order to log in you will need to:
- Activate your RowHow account, if you have not logged in before, go to and log in using your British Rowing username and password.
- If you have trouble logging in using your British Rowing username and password, try resetting your password to one that is a minimum of ten characters
- Once you have successfully logged in, contact [email protected] and once confirmed that you are your Club’s Welfare Officer, we will be able to ‘unlock’ your access to the Welfare Officer Corner.
We will soon be announcing quarterly roundtable discussions for CWO’s to be able to network, discuss key topics and receive support from a member of the Governance and Welfare Team. The dates for these will be listed in the CWO Corner in the next month and we will be running a poll to hear specifically which topics you may want to discuss at the first meeting! Don’t miss out!
Anti-Doping Corner
The Code is changing soon, and the 2021 Prohibited List is also live. Make sure you visit our clean sport page or follow @ukantidoping on social to find out more about what the changes could mean for you.
In response to these changes and as part of our commitment to fair and ethical sport, British Rowing will be rolling out its new iRowClean education in 2021. Alongside that, our all-new iRowFair integrity education will also be made available. We hope to release information about these in next month’s newsletter so keep an eye out for that!
Updated policies
We are pleased to let you know the following policies have been reviewed and updated:
1.1 Anti-Bullying Policy
This now applies to children, adults-at-risk and adults and includes a model anti-bullying statement for rowing clubs.
5.4 Online Safety and Social Media Policy
This now applies to children, adults-at-risk and adults, includes guidance for webinars and live streaming, and an acceptable use statement for Digital Events and Social Media Use.
Both can be found on the Welfare Guidance Documents page:
Under review
We are currently reviewing the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Safeguarding and Protecting Adults at Risk Policy as they are both due revision – we welcome any feedback from you about these policies.
If you would like to share any comments, about these policies or any welfare guidance documents, please email [email protected] by the 30th November.
Finally, as holiday festivities begin this month the team would like to wish you all a Happy Holidays!