iRowClean webinar and new resources
Catch up on the latest updates from the Governance Team below

Read on to find out more about our new resources for iRowClean.
iRowClean webinar
We are pleased to confirm the first iRowClean webinar will be on 11 February from 19:30 to 20:30! This free-to-attend session will provide anyone in the rowing community with an update on the World Anti-Doping Agency Code, and what the recent changes may mean for you.
To register sign up here.
Posters and leaflets!
You asked, and so we are pleased to share some resources you can download and print for your club or gym walls / websites:
1 – iRowClean posters
You can find these on our Clean Sport web page under Clean Sport resources.
2 – Club Welfare Officer poster and Safeguarding leaflet for juniors (tri-fold leaflet)
There are five Club Welfare Officer posters to choose from. To see the posters and Safeguarding leaflet, visit our Welfare Guidance Documents page under Other Documents.
Club Welfare Officer newsletter
The sixth CWO newsletter is being sent out soon, so if you are a Club or Event Welfare Officer look out for further updates specific to your role in there! If you haven’t received it please email [email protected]
Policy Updates – Safer Recruitment Guidance
We would like to remind you of the importance of following the ‘Safer Recruitment’ guidance when appointing new members to roles in your club. We have recently updated this guide (W.G 3.12) to include considerations for clubs to carry out basic internet searches to further determine the suitability of any applicants for particular roles.
Remember, when recruiting individuals, it is always best practice to be as vigilant as possible.
We welcome feedback and comments from you, and of course, all of the Governance and Welfare Team are on hand to assist you if you have any questions.
Click here to see the British Rowing Governance & Welfare team contacts.
Our Safeguarding and Welfare web page is here.
Finally, for our latest COVID-19 guidance, click here.