Clean Sport Ambassadors – new Safeguarding Handbooks and Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
From all of us in the Governance team we hope that you are keeping well and safe as the restrictions ease. A few interesting highlights for you all this month:

Clean Sport Ambassadors
In May we had Clean Sport Week which saw the announcement of our three GB Rowing Team Clean Sport Ambassadors, Charlotte Hodgkins-Byrne, Graeme Thomas, and Jacob Dawson. We are delighted to have them on board supporting the clean sport messages and you can read more about them here.
On the 24th June at 19:30 we’ll be talking to Charlotte and discussing checking medications, and risk assessing supplements in our free iRowClean webinar, to register please go to the following page.
Coming very soon new Safeguarding Handbooks and Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy!
We are pleased to announce a revamp of the Welfare Guidance Documents, which are going to be in the form of four, over-arching handbooks, designed to make it as easy as possible for Clubs, CWOs, Coaches and Committees, Athletes and Parents to access the relevant safeguarding information they need.
Being released this summer the handbooks will comprise:
Safeguarding Handbook 1 – The Club Welfare Officer Pack
Safeguarding Handbook 2 – Procedures for concerns and allegations
Safeguarding Handbook 3 – Club, training, and competition guidance
Safeguarding Handbook 4 – Data, Digital Media and Online Safety
Each handbook will be available on our Welfare Handbook page, and will feature an interactive contents list, so you can know navigate the content more easily.
We are also very pleased to let you know our new 2021 Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy will also soon be available. This policy is applicable to this policy is applicable to everyone in rowing, all members of British Rowing and members of affiliated clubs whether you come into contact regularly with children or not, and we strongly encourage you to read through and ensure this policy is implemented by your club.
As ever, if you have any questions, please do get in touch with the Lead Safeguarding Officer, by emailing [email protected].
Club Welfare Officer Newsletter
The latest Club Welfare Officer (CWO) newsletter should land in the inboxes of all CWO’s this week, if you are a CWO and don’t receive the newsletter please email so you can be kept up to date with information and guidance to support you in your role.
Contact Us
Finally, if you need to contact any of the Governance & Welfare team, their contact details can be found here.