DBS verification change of procedure

As we write this update, we hope you are all enjoying the Olympic Games and also getting back into competing yourselves, or simply enjoying more freedom in rowing again!
For many people however, the lessening of restrictions can be more stressful, and certain groups may go into self-imposed isolation or distancing. Consider continuing some online activities in order to provide options for people to remain engaged and also check in particularly with people you haven’t heard from in a while. Check out this page from the charity Mind about managing feelings about lockdown easing.
DBS Verification Change of Procedure
As you all know, the Government guidelines on social distancing have been lifted including the requirement to remain two metres from people you do not live with. This means that online verification for DBS applications can no longer continue. The ability to verify documents online was only in place to accommodate the social distancing guidelines and was not going to be a permanent change.
Therefore, all DBS verifiers should verify documents in person, as they were doing, before social distancing rules were put in place. Any Club Welfare Officer who needs a DBS check must have their documents verified in line with British Rowing guidance, which states ID documents can be either verified via the Post Office or the Club Chairman.
If you have any questions about this, please email the British Rowing’s Lead Safeguarding Officer: [email protected] or [email protected].
New Safeguarding Handbooks – Club Welfare Officer Webinar
British Rowing is releasing four new ‘Safeguarding Handbooks’, that will replace all the current welfare guidance documents on our website.
At the end of August, British Rowing’s Lead Safeguarding Officer will be hosting a webinar free to attend for all CWOs who wish to know more about the updates to the guidance and where they will be able to access all of our new resources.
Keep an eye out for correspondence from the LSO in the next coming weeks, with a short description of the webinar, including date, time and format.
Club Welfare Officer Forum and CWO Drop-Ins
Lastly, just a friendly reminder that Club Welfare Officers have the option to communicate with each other and share examples of, or questions surrounding, best practices in Safeguarding via the Club Welfare Officer Forum on RowHow. Alternatively, Club Welfare Officers can join the weekly CWO Drop-in, every Wednesday from 16:30-17:30.
Clean Sport – Special Topics
This month we thought we would signpost you to UK Anti-Doping’s ‘special topics’ webpage with guidance and resources for a number of common medical conditions that require a Therapeutic Use Exemption. As always, information can change so make sure to check for updates regularly, but in the meantime, if you or any athletes you support have specific medical conditions, such as asthma, ADHD, Diabetes, Hay Fever, Emergency Medications, or Adrenaline Auto-injectors, then have a look at their guidance.
Membership Terms and Conditions
Updates have been made to the Membership terms and conditions, at 1.2 to 1.4 and 10.1 to 10.2. The purpose of these additions is to make it more explicit that all members (registered individuals) must comply with British Rowing Codes, Policies, Rules, and Regulations. Parents/ carers of members under 18 must also agree to comply with the British Rowing Code of Conduct. Member T&C’s can be found here.
Anti-Bullying and Whistleblowing
Finally, we have updated British Rowing’s Whistleblowing Policy found under ‘Discipline’ here. And we wanted to remind everyone of British Rowing’s Anti-Bullying policy, which at the moment is found under our Welfare Guidance Documents at 1.1 but in September when the new Safeguarding Handbooks go live, will be moved to the main policies and guidance webpage to reflect that the anti-bullying policy applies to everyone and not just children, young people and adults at risk. Please share both policies with your club members and in the appendix of the anti-bullying policy is a model statement you can adopt for your club.
Contact Us
If you need to contact any of the Governance & Welfare team, their contact details can be found here.