Governance September updates

The latest CWO newsletter will be landing in inboxes soon, so as always please ensure your Club Welfare Officer is correctly listed on ClubHub and contact [email protected] if you are a CWO but did not receive the newsletter.
Highlights from this newsletter worth mentioning include:
The Safeguarding Handbooks are being released later this month and will replace all of the previous Welfare Guidance Documents. These have been designed to make it easier for everyone to access the safeguarding information they need.
The new Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy will also be released this month to replace the Safeguarding and Protection Children Policy.
The key changes to the policy include:
- updated minimum standards on Safeguarding children;
- additional information on the reporting process;
- the addition of a ‘Safeguarding for Clubs’ section.
In addition a guide to the policy for children and young people will be available and new Safeguarding training, introduction to Safeguarding training– – so lots to look out for!
The Safeguarding page will be refreshed with its new content, so please keep an eye out.
If you have any questions about anything mentioned above please contact [email protected].
Clean Sport – ANARAC
Have you, or rowers you are supporting: “Assessed the Need, Assessed the Risk and Assessed the Consequences” before using supplements?
Make sure or your rowers check any supplements you plan to take have been batch tested through informed sport ,where you can type in the batch number and the website will indicate if the product has been screened for banned substances. The new informed sport app makes searching for products even easier with its ability to scan product barcodes to search for it’s status.
supplements and why you need to check them, read about it on our Clean Sport webpage.
Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
We have made some improvements to our Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures webpage to make it clearer and easier to follow. In addition, we have now transferred the grievance forms and appeal forms into an online form, both of which are preceded with the guidance on how to complete the respective forms. These new forms are for grievances relating to British Rowing. For information about how to raise a grievance concerning a club or regional dispute, please refer to British Rowing regulations appendix 6.
Throughout both forms, progress can be saved as you work through it, so you will not be expected to complete it all in one go.
More information about submitting a grievance or appeal can be found on the Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures webpage.
Welfare Officer
Please ensure that everyone associated to your club is aware of who the Welfare officer at the club is. Guidance for welfare officers can be found here.
L’Shanah Tovah for everyone celebrating the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, from all of us in the Governance and Welfare team
Contact Us
If you need to contact any of the Governance & Welfare team, their contact details can be found here.