September Newsletter – Diversity and Inclusion

British Rowing is committed to ensuring that rowing is an accessible and inclusive sport that provides opportunities for enjoyment and achievement at all levels.
We wanted to signpost some brilliant resources that we have available in case you haven’t come across them before!
There are two guides we wanted to draw your attention to this month:
- Inclusive Club Guide – released in 2018 this is a fantastic one stop resource with guidance to help your club become more inclusive. Developed in partnership with Sporting Equals it highlights the benefits of being inclusive, explains inclusivity and its importance in creating a diverse sport that is open to all and provides practical advice on creating an inclusive club.
- Adaptive Rowing Guide – released this year, the Adaptive Rowing Guide was developed in response to clubs’ requests for more guidance and intended to increase the number of clubs offering adaptive rowing opportunities. It highlights what adaptive rowing is and who it is for, provides top tips and practical advice, and signposts to further additional guidance and resources.
Later this month we will be releasing our Inclusive Sport Plan: Committed to Inclusion which details how diversity and inclusion will be embedded in our practice throughout the organisation, so please keep an eye out for this!
National Inclusion Week
It is National Inclusion Week Sept 27th – October 3rd and this year’s theme is all about unity! National Inclusion Week celebrates inclusion in all its forms #UnitedForInclusion. If your club would like to take part you can register for a free toolkit from Inclusive Employers which will include daily actions guides, communication and logo resources, inclusion workshop templates and an anti-racism toolkit.
L’Shanah Tovah!
Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) starts on the evening of the 6th September and ends the evening of 8th September, and what’s particularly interesting about Rosh Hashanah is that its not just a time of celebration but also deep reflection.
The first two days of Rosh Hashanah lead into Ten Days of Repentance (also known as Days of Awe), in which Jewish people reflect on times they may have done something wrong, and ask for forgiveness. The ten days then culminate in a major fast day, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
Symbols associated with Rosh Hashanah
The traditional bread challah is round and symbolizes the eternal cycle of life. Its typically dipped in honey symbolic of hopes for a sweet New Year! The same occurs with apples which combined with honey makes for an even sweeter delight.
You might also find a pomegranate on the table during the festival, as there is a tradition that they contain 613 seeds which represent one for each of the commandments a Jewish person is supposed to keep.
For all those celebrating Rosh Hashanah, L’Shanah Tovah!
If you have any comments or any stories or activities taking place at your club that we can feature in our newsletter, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us here.