PE Scholar launch brand new indoor rowing resource for teacher training
In partnership with British Rowing, PE Scholar have launched a new indoor rowing resource for teacher training and development

Following a busy summer creating and testing a new suite of resources to support indoor rowing and broader fitness development in schools, PE Scholar are proud to share access to a new course for teachers in secondary schools in the UK.
You can join a Live Launch over Zoom on Tuesday 27th September at 4pm.
Thanks to funding from Sport England, PE Scholar are able to offer the first 500 teachers in England who enroll free access to some exciting new resources.
The course takes less than an hour to complete and is provided as an orientation around the new materials and supportive teaching ideas.
PE Scholar know that every school does not have access to a suite of indoor rowers, and so they’ve included warm ups, cool downs and circuit training cards that can be done off-machine.
They’ve also included easy-to-follow units of work and materials to support curricular and extra-curricular indoor rowing opportunities, including skill development cards and a set of 12 ‘fun first’ indoor rowing activity cards that are suitable for class sizes of 30+ with only a small number of rowing machines.
At the end of the course teachers will get the chance to download a complete set of over 60 resource cards to use in their PE departments.
Join their Live Launch over Zoom on Tuesday 27th September at 4pm