£1,000 Victor Ludorum announced for British Rowing Masters Championships
Faster Masters RowingTM is again sponsoring the cash prize for the most successful club

Monmouth RC were extremely proud to win the Victor Ludorum – and £1,000 – at the British Rowing Masters Championships last year. From an entry of over 30 open and women’s crews and nearly 40 competitors spanning a diverse range of ages and experience, they notched up a bunch of wins as well as minor medals.
The club wrote later, “This was a tremendous whole club effort, but special mention must go to our Women’s Captain Liz Lewis for all her fantastic logistical planning to get so many crews and equipment to Nottingham and to our great coach, Tim Male, for preparing and developing our crews so well. But as well as results, it was all about bringing a new group to the British Masters, many of whom only started to learn to row last year.”
As well as collecting the Harry Harvey Trophy – named after the former Chairman of the National Veteran Championships who devised the handicapping system used for races between masters from different age groups – the club was thrilled to receive the £1,000 cash prize sponsored by Faster Masters Rowing. We caught up with them recently to find out what they spent the money on.
To commemorate the significant achievement, the club Committee first decided to get a nice framed photo of the team who competed to win the trophy. This is now on display in the club room/bar, which means that (adult) club members can be inspired by it frequently.
The Club’s Treasurer explained, “The rest of the money went into our clubs fund where it covered some of the costs of video analysis software, which our coach had requested, and a nice set of new skinny Concept blades.”
He added, “The club and Committee prides itself on maintaining a competitive fleet of boats in good condition. We have a regime of replacing worn slides and shoes in our boats as well as repairing inevitable chips and knocks. These items consume significant funds and the Victor Ludorum money helped to offset some of these costs. This also meant that social rowers benefited alongside the performance squad.”
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British Rowing is delighted that Faster Masters Rowing has generously agreed to sponsor the Victor Ludorum prize at the 2024 British Rowing Masters Championships, which take place from 15-16 June at Holme Pierrepont Country Park in Nottingham. Entries are now open and close on 3 June. Last year Tideway Scullers School were second and local club Nottingham RC third in the Victor Ludorum standings. Will Monmouth triumph again or will one of them – or another club entirely – snatch the cash this time round? You’ll have to be in it to win it, of course!