Take part in the PLA’s Clean Thames Challenge!

The Port of London Authority is encouraging users of the Thames to be ‘part of the solution’ to its litter problem – with a prize draw for those who participate from 1-30 September


Tired of seeing litter along the Thames? Want to make a real difference for your iconic river and its wildlife?

Join the Clean Thames Challenge this September and be a part of the solution!

Choose your challenge

There are four challenges you can take part in:

  • The 10 times challenge – take part in 10 litter picks throughout the month.
  • The 10 minutes a day challenge – every day litter pick for 10 minutes throughout the month.
  • The 10 photos challenge – take 10 photos throughout the month of your litter haul or Thames wildlife spots.
  • The 10km challenge – litter pick along 10km of the river throughout the month.

If you complete one of the Challenges between 1 and 30 September, you can be entered in a draw for a kayaking trip for two with London Kayak Company, or a Stand Up Paddleboarding trip for two with Active360.

Why take a challenge?

  • Protect: Help safeguard the diverse wildlife that call the Thames home.
  • Improve: Reduce pollution and contribute to a healthier river ecosystem.
  • Connect: Spend time being active outdoors and appreciate the beauty of the Thames.
  • Build: Join forces with fellow Thames lovers who are passionate about the environment – this could be a pre-season bonding activity for new squads at rowing clubs.

The first 100 registrations can get a free litter pick kit too!

Find out more

Note: Everyone participating in this litter picks should make sure they read the PLA’s risk assessment.