Bradford rowing community pulls together for Kidney Research UK

More than 100 people participated in the ROW2025 challenge, rowing nearly 4 million metres and raising over £15,0000 for the charity


Edwin (front) leads 20 indoor rowers on launch day

ROW2025 was a massive community rowing event aiming to raise £2,025 for Kidney Research UK by rowing a cumulative 2025km (2,025,000m) over a week between Saturday, 18 and Friday, 24 January 2025 on multiple machines and on the water.

Bradford Grammar School BC Captain Edwin van Lopik explained, “The challenge is motivated by my brother’s diagnosis of a rare kidney condition last year. It was a really tough time for our family, and I found it particularly difficult to balance supporting my brother with my training and racing aspirations. However, something that really helped us through that time was the incredible support given to us from both of the rowing clubs in Bradford. This provided the motivation for ROW2025: to celebrate the strength and unity of Bradford’s small rowing community by doing something incredible for this great cause!”

Bradford ARC members, teachers and pupils rowing side-by-side Bradford ARC members, teachers and pupils rowing side-by-side

The challenge was launched at Bradford Grammar School (BGS) where 20 rowing machines were kept spinning from 9am until 4.30pm by members of Bradford ARC, BGS pupils, teachers and parents  all rowing together side-by-side.

Rowers could also submit the distances they rowed in training later in the week, which connected those rowing in Bradford with friends, family and club alumni rowing from other locations throughout the UK and Europe.

Targets smashed!

The final distance rowed of 3,916,765m was almost twice the original ROW2025 target and included:

  • An incredible 1,333,831m covered in person on the launch day at BGS by 134 people aged 7 to over 70
  • 686,202m submitted virtually from locations as far away as Switzerland and the Netherlands as well as Dorset, Reading University BC and Wycliffe College BC by rowers aged 4 to 80
  • Approximately a million metres submitted by various Bradford ARC members on the river, in their club house and from home
  • Approximately a million metres completed by students and some teachers at BGS – several of whom were trying rowing for the first time.
“The response to ROW2025 has been utterly incredible. The commitment and dedication put into the event from everyone in the Bradford rowing community highlights both the strength of rowing in our city and the immense importance of our cause Kidney Research UK.” – Edwin van Lopik (BGS Captain)

Edwin adds, “To have nearly doubled our distance target is beyond incredible, but on top of that this event has reached so many people in such an amazing way and it’s fantastic that we can all row together to reach this distance!

The fundraising total has also far exceeded everyone’s wildest expectation, and is currently standing at nearly £13,000 plus Gift Aid. You can donate here:

Donate here

Special shout outs go to the four people who rowed over 100km during the week: Edwin van Lopik (BGS/BARC), Tom Vale (BGS), Freddie Whittaker (BGS/BARC), and John Austin-Davies (BARC). Other notable achievements were 78km from Emma Greenbank (BARC), 37.5km from a BGS Junior Squad member (Y8) and 30km from a BGS pupil who had never rowed before the week began.

Bradford ARC Captain John Austin-Davies said, “Edwin and his brother James are enthusiastic members of Bradford Grammar School Boat Club, and are also members of Bradford Amateur Rowing Club. Both are determined competitors who put 100% into training. We were very concerned when we heard about James’s kidney disorder, but it is typical of Ed that he did not sit back, but has put together the ROW2025 event to raise funds. Bradford ARC is supporting this January Challenge, with members from all squads signed up to add kilometres to the total, and support Kidney Research UK.”

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