2016 World Rowing Coastal Championships
FISA has announced that it is now taking entries for the 2016 World Rowing Coastal Championships (WRCC) in Monaco.Â

In order to compete in a World Rowing Coastal Regatta a competitor must be a member of a club recognised by its National Federation (British Rowing) and must hold as a minimum requirement Silver membership.
FISA is expecting a large entry this year and in order to ensure racing is safe and fair a limit will be set on the maximum entries from any one National Federation in any one boat class.
If you would like to take part in 2016 please read the entry information on the World Rowing website and follow the instructions there.
British Rowing is allocated up to five crews in each event and it will be asked to rank each club crew, approve and submit to FISA.
Once entries have closed and the total number of entries is known the remaining spare places in each event will be allocated using a random draw. The criteria for this are explained on the FISA website.
New entries will not be accepted after the closing date. British Rowing will be able to change the rank of the entered crews up to three days before the start of the WRCC by official email to FISA, but we will not be able to increase the total number of entries in the event.
Important Dates
- 15th August 2016 – Deadline for entries to National Federation
- 20th September 2016 – Deadline for entries confirmed from National Federations to be received by FISA
- 27th September 2016 – FISA to confirm maximum size of draw for each event and to undertake ballot draw. FISA to publish official entry list.
If you have any questions for British Rowing please email Pippa Randolph.
More general information about Monaco here – 2016 Bulletin