Obituary – Chris Robinson
Chris Robinson, a popular member at Reading Rowing Club, has sadly passed away

It is with great sadness that we can confirm that the Reading Rowing Club member who tragically passed away on the 23 June after capsizing from his single scull was Chris Robinson. Once Chris had capsized, unfortunately, attempts to rescue him were unsuccessful. His body was found the next day. Following referral to the Coroner’s Office it was determined that Chris had suffered from a heart attack.
Born in 1949, Chris went on to learn to row when he went up to Jesus College, Oxford in 1967. He returned to the water in the early 1980s at Maidenhead Rowing Club, inspired by Eric Sims, Billie Brooks and Mike Harlow to take up sculling. He acquired a fine wooden scull from Eric which became his lifelong companion.
In 1986 he was inspired to try his hand at kayaking after seeing the Devizes to Westminster race pass through Maidenhead. He went on a learn to kayak course at Reading Canoe Club soon after, joined the club and raced in the DW the following year. He met his other lifelong companion, Eileen, in 1991. Eileen would occasionally join Chris out on the water in a kayak, Chris covering twice the distance whilst Eileen enjoyed being close to nature at the water’s edge.
Chris moved to Reading Rowing Club in the mid-1990s. He was a very active member of the club for many years and served on the committee as treasurer from 2002-2004. Also a very active member of Reading Canoe Club, Chris had been treasurer there as well. He was regularly to be seen on the water either in his single scull or kayak.
Away from the water, he initially trained as a mathematics teacher, but later became a software designer and analyst, eventually retiring in 2020.
Chris was a very popular member who will be sadly missed, but warmly and fondly remembered by all those who knew him. Our thoughts are with his family at this time. His funeral took place on 26 July in Reading.
Thanks to Reading Rowing Club for the tribute