Pre-order the 2025 British Rowing Almanack now

Reserve your copy of the next Almanack now! Publication and delivery will be at the end of March


The British Rowing Almanack is an essential record of all racing results from the previous year – from every affiliated regatta and head race, and for every affiliated club. It also includes results and reports for the GB Rowing Team, Home International competitions, Henley Royal Regatta, The Boat Race and other rowing governing bodies including Scottish Rowing, Welsh Rowing, Coast ARA, Hants and Dorset ARA, West of England ARA and Skiff Racing.

It is illustrated through with photos including:

  • 2-page spread with colour photos of all 12 GB Under 23 and Under 19 crews that won medals at the World Rowing Champinships.
  • Some of the winners from across all of the 2024 Britsh Rowing events – the Junior Inter-Regional Regatta, Masters Championships, Junior and Senior Club Championships, Beach Sprint Championships and Indoor Championships.
  • A selection of winners at various competitions throughout the year.

Editor Maggie Phillips also reflects in the featured article on the Paris 2024 Olympics and how these have changed in the 100 years since the Games first took plce in the French capital in 1924.

In the Yearbook section, you’ll find a whole host of useful information such as who’s who at British Rowing, lists of licensed Umpires, the Rules of Racing, directory of clubs and competitions, and much, much more!

Pages: 328 approximately.

How to order the 2025 British Rowing Almanack

You can order the Almanack now through the ‘shop’ within the British Rowing Membership portal. If you’re not a member, you can set up a free login to access this.

Log in to the Membership portal first and then select Shop within the portal or click the blue button below to go straight to the shop:

Log in to the Membership portal

Go to the Shop

If you’d like to set up a direct debit to ensure you get your copy of the Almanack automatically every year, you can do this by clicking the grey ‘Set Direct Debit’ button once you get to ‘Checkout and Payment’ screen in the Shop, or just email [email protected] (do not send them bank details in your initial email) who will help you to set this up securely.

Almanacks ordered now will be delivered at the end of March when it publishes.

2025 Almanack Prices


Comb-bound (available for pre-publication orders only): £37+p&p

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