Committees and Panels

British Rowing has a number of committees and advisory panels which report to the Board or the Sport Committee.

The Board of British Rowing has established a number of Committees and ‘Panels’ to support its work and may delegate such of its powers to specific Committees, as detailed in the Articles of Association at clauses 37-38 “Delegation by the Board” and the Board will establish Terms of Reference for each Committee.

The following provisions apply to each Committees:

  1. Each Committee shall appoint a chair. The chair of each Committee shall be nominated by the relevant Committee and approved by the Board. If a Committee does not offer a nomination the Board will appoint a chair.
  2. The membership of each Committee shall be determined by its Terms of Reference.
  3. The chairs of each Committee shall (if applicable) have a casting vote on that Committee.
  4. Persons who are not members of a Committee but who are appointed as substitute representatives shall have a proxy vote.
  5. Persons who are not members of a Committee may be invited by the chair of the Committee to attend meetings, but shall not be entitled to vote.
  6. Committees shall meet as often as necessary for the execution of their duties, and shall submit regular reports to the Board. The names of those present at each Committee meeting shall be included in such reports.
  7. Any Committee wishing to publish any announcement through the press or otherwise shall first submit it to the Board for approval.

To contact any of the committees or panels, please email: [email protected].

Committees and Panels Reporting to the Board of British Rowing

Finance and Audit Committee

Makes recommendations to the Board on financial issues, having reviewed these in greater detail than is possible by the Board. These include but are not limited to preparation and approval of budgets, investment of the company’s liquid reserves and monitoring of progress against budgets.

Chair: T. Kokkinos

Members: S. Davies, B. Kent, S. Walker, A. Marks.

Terms of Reference being updated.

People, Culture and Nominations Committee

The purpose of the committee is to evaluate the balance of skills, knowledge and experience of the Board and to make recommendations with regard to recruitment and succession planning.

Chair:  C. Briegal

Members: P. Milhofer, M, Sbihi, M. Davies, T. Kokkinos.

Terms of Reference being updated.

Risk and Integrity Committee

Makes recommendations to the Board on matters relating to governance, risk policies and procedures.  The committee reviews in depth the Directors’ Report and Statements its work included the keeping and review of an appropriate risk register.

Chair:  P. Milhofer

Members: S. Walker, S. Drury, N. Hubble, K. Vleck.

Terms of Reference being updated.

Sport Committee

The British Rowing co-ordinating committee for the development of the sport of Rowing. The committee has oversight of the activities, initiatives and policies within the remit of the standing committees represented on it. The Chair of the Sport Committee sits on the Board.

Chair:  N. Hubble

Deputy Chair: B. Wilson

Secretary: F. Rennie

Members: Chairs of the following Committees; British Rowing Events, National Coaching, National Competition, National Umpiring, Junior Rowing, Masters Rowing, Recreational Rowing, Rowing Safety, and Honorary Rowing Safety Adviser (HRSA).

Terms of Reference

Disciplinary and Grievance Panel

Ensures British Rowing handles complaints, grievances and disciplinary matters fairly and efficiently. The panel comprises a minimum of eight people and appoints a Chair from amongst its numbers. The panel keeps under review procedures and makes recommendations to the Board as appropriate.

Chair:  R. Beer

Members: The panel comprises up to nine members appointed by the Board with administrative support appointed by the CEO.

Terms of Reference

Safeguarding Committee

Ensures that British Rowing’s procedures continue to reflect the current recommendations of external agencies that specialise in the protection of vulnerable groups, and these procedures are disseminated and applied by British Rowing’s members and staff. It oversees the implementation and monitoring of British Rowing’s safeguarding policies, and supports the implementation of British Rowing’s work towards the Child Protection in Sport Unit Safeguarding Framework.

Chair: K. Vleck

Members: K. Bennett, D. Fox, A. Stuart.

Terms of Reference

Anti-Doping Advisory Panel

Advises on and oversees the implementation of the British Rowing Anti-doping Policy and any related education programmes. It also advises UK Anti-Doping of any known infringements of British Rowing anti-doping rules by rowers or support personnel tested outside the United Kingdom.

Chair:  K. Vleck

Members: D. Zideman, N. Hubble, L. Kingsley (British Rowing Director of Performance), A. Redgrave (British Rowing Chief Medical Officer), S. Harris (British Rowing Head of Learning, Education and Development), M. Sbihi (Athlete Representative).

Terms of Reference

Committees and Panels Reporting to the Sport Committee

To assist the Sport Committee in fulfilling its role, the Board has established a number of Committees that will report to the Sport Committee. The Sport Committee will in turn report on the work undertaken by those Committees to the Board.

National Competition Committee

Leads the development of a strategy and programmes that will increase participation in competition rowing and provide a high quality performance pathway for competitive rowers.

Chair:  P.C. Clements

Deputy Chair: C. Anton

Members: L. Dillon, J. Cotgrove (National Umpiring Committee Chair)(ex-officio), J.R.M. Harlow (British Rowing Events Committee Chair), P. Jackson (Regional Competition Co-ordinators Committee Chair), H. Hackett.

Terms of Reference

Regional Competition Co-ordinators Committee

Responsible for drafting the British Rowing Competition Calendar annually and is involved in regional approvals for new affiliations and competition date changes. Reports to the National Competition Committee.

Chair: P. Jackson (NW)

Members: C. Anton (WM), C. Polack (Y), L. Swift (E), M. Holland (T), C. Percy (N), P. Sondheimer (WAGS), P. Latka (EM).

British Rowing Events Committee

Responsible for organising and running British Rowing Championships annually, incorporating such events as the Board may determine. It reports to the National Competition Committee.

Chair: J.R.M. Harlow

Secretary: T. Ball

Members: L. Dillon (Junior Inter-Regional Regatta), C. Anton (British Rowing Masters Championships), S. Gregory (British Rowing Beach Sprint Championships), C. Callow (British Rowing Club Championships), N. Hubble (Chair, Sport Committee), H. Lawrence (Scottish Rowing), S. Davies (Welsh Rowing), J. Lee (British Rowing Events Manager), P. Sheppard (Chief Coach – Olympic Pathway), R. Dulai (British Rowing Special Projects Lead), TBA (British Rowing Governance and Integrity Lead).

Terms of Reference

Junior Rowing Committee

Develops and promotes junior rowing in clubs and schools, co-ordinating the work of the regional councils in junior rowing. It contributes to the developement of strategy and programmes for increasing participation by, retention of, competition for and the promotion of rowing for the under 18 age group. It also communicates and promotes the adoption of good practice and guidelines relating to junior rowing.

Chair:  J. Layng

Secretary: R. Boulton

Members: K. Parvliet (North West), E. Meadows (Thames Upper), J. Rhodes-Hook (East Midlands), P. Higgins (North), M. Bavington (Eastern), J. Harris (Yorkshire), J. MacDonald (South East Coast), P. Senior (Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucestershire and Somerset), B. Curtis (West Midlands), C. Greenaway (Kitchin Society), C.D. Riches (Schools’ Head), C. Williams (Sculling Head) and M. Wilkinson (Scullery), M. Martin (National Schools Regatta), F. Rennie (British Universities and Colleges Sport), L. Dillon and B. Wilson (Junior Inter-Regional Regatta), G. Walters (Wessex), A. Crawford (Henley Royal Regatta), J. Cheesman (Thames Lower), P.C. Clements (National Competition Committee), N. Hubble (Chair, Sport Committee).

Terms of Reference

Masters’ Rowing Committee

Supports the provision and development of Masters’ Rowing.

Chair:  B. Chapman

Secretary: J. Nichols

Members: A. Hosking (Eastern), S. Royles (East Midlands), G. Moore (Northern), J. Hotchin (Thames Upper), Z. Howard (Thames Tideway), D. Binley (Thames South East), A. Watson (Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucestershire and Somerset), J. Watling (Wessex and South East Coast), vacant (West), R. Barnes (West Midlands), L. Porte (Yorkshire), C. Anton (ex-officio).

Terms of Reference

National Coaching Committee

To develop and champion coaching and coaches and provide information and advice to the Sport Committee.

Acting Chair: A. Worley (Thames)

Secretary: A. Worley (Thames)

Members: M. Walker (Eastern), J. Hunt (East Midlands), P. Walton (Northern), J. Jones (North West), M. Katholnig (Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucestershire and Somerset), R. Beardsworth (Wessex and South East Coast), R. Bedder (West – Sliding Seat), K. Sellar (West – Fixed Seat), K. Carlyle (West Midlands), M. Middleton (Yorkshire), L. Graham (Scottish Rowing), S. English (Welsh Rowing).

Terms of Reference

National Umpiring Committee

Responsible for planning, organising, and administering the training and licencing of umpires, and maintaining and developing the high standard of umpiring practice. Liaises with the National Competition Committee on umpiring and the Rules of Racing Panel.

Chair:  J. Cotgrove

Deputy Chair: H. Salmon

Secretary: G. Davies

Members: M.S. Briegal (North West), P. Holmes (West Midlands and Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucestershire and Somerset), J. Milne (Eastern), K. Dentith (West), R.S. Drake (Yorkshire), R.E. Mortimer (Northern), Q. Knowlson (Thames), W.D. Smith (East Midlands), C. McIntosh (MLUP Chair)(non-voting), J. Wine (Welsh Umpires Chair)(non-voting), N. MacFarlane (Scottish Umpires Chair)(non-voting), P.C. Clements (National Competition Committee Chair)(non-voting), N. Hubble (Sport Committee Chair)(non-voting).

Terms of Reference

Multi-Lane Umpiring Panel

Provides advice and guidance to maintain the consistency and standard of Multi-lane Umpiring in England and Wales, as well as assisting in the preparation and training of British umpires for World Rowing Umpire Licence examinations.

Chair: C. McIntosh

Secretary: J.E. Thomson

Members: G. Bain, M.R. Blandford-Baker, J.M. Packer, P.J. Ibbotson, D.C. Tarbun, C. Harvey (Exam Consultant), J. Cotgrove (National Umpiring Committee Chair).

Terms of Reference

Rules of Racing Panel

Chair: C. Anton (interim)

Members: A.L. Faiers, H. Henderson, T. Brown, R. Mortimer, E.L. Cerqueira‐Rees, P.C. Clements (National Competition Committee Chair).

Rowing Safety Committee

Provides guidance and advice to British Rowing, supporting safe practice in all aspects of the sport of rowing. It develops and maintains guidance on rowing safety, and recommends, or takes, action as may be appropriate as a result of incidents that may come to the attention of the committee.

Chair:  C. Pendry

Deputy Chair: Vacant

Secretary: A. Worley

Members: S. Worley (Honorary Rowing Safety Advisor), S. Bull (Wessex and South East Coast), A. Cox (West), A. Jenkinson (Thames), J. Mulholland (Northern), C. Davies (North West), R. Donnor (East Midlands), M. Goddard (Eastern), C. Polack (Yorkshire), C. Llewellyn (West Midlands), S. Ward (co-opted), M. Claxton (Scottish Rowing)(co-opted), S. English (Welsh Rowing)(co-opted).

Terms of Reference

Recreational Rowing Committee

Supports the provision and development of recreational rowing, disseminating information and promoting communication among clubs and other recreational rowing providers. It advises and support the organisers of recreational rowing events, including tours at all levels from club to international.

Chair:  J. Turnbull (Thames Middle)

Deputy Chair: R. Ward (Thames Upper)

Secretary: C. Turnbull (co-opted)

Members: P. Danby (West Midlands), M. Hingle (East), G. Hall (Wessex and South East Coast), A. Hill (Thames Lower), A. Hock (East Midlands), K. Millar (Yorkshire), P. Sondheimer (Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucestershire and Somerset), R. Ward (Thames Upper), C. Scholl (Northern), S. Loates (North West), A. Rowe (West).

Terms of Reference

Medical Advisory Panel

Advises British Rowing on how best to promote and protect the health of the British rowing community, as well as promoting and supporting the education, training and the dissemination of information to help reduce the risk of illness and injury to rowers.

Chair:  D. Zideman

Members: R. Budgett, N. Burbidge, A. Ciecierski, M. Easdale, L. Guest, A. Howell, T. Jenkins, S. Owens, N. Peters, A. Redgrave, A. Sanders, J. Sichel, M. Stallard.

Terms of Reference

Task and Finish Groups

The Board may at any time establish ad hoc working groups (a task and finish group) to review any policy or issue that affects British Rowing.

The Board will decide on the number of members to form the task and finish group and agree a timescale for the task assigned to the task and finish group.

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