Regional Representatives

British Rowing has an elected body of 23 Regional Representatives. These Representatives are elected by the affiliated clubs and competitions in a Region.

British Rowing has developed a sporting democracy structure within England based on 10 designated geographical areas, referred to as Regions. Each Region has a Regional Rowing Council, which has the responsibilities detailed in the British Rowing Regulations. The Affiliated Members of British Rowing (being Rowing Clubs and Competition Organisers) within each Region elect the leadership personnel of each Regional Rowing Council, and also one or more Regional Representatives for their Region. These Regional Representatives are the Members of British Rowing, with the right to vote on resolutions at General Meetings of British Rowing.

Regions and Regional Rowing Councils

British Rowing has designated 10 Regions within England, being:

  1. East Midlands
  2. Eastern
  3. North West
  4. Northern
  5. Thames
  6. Wessex & South East Coast
  7. West
  8. West Midlands
  9. Wiltshire, Avon, Gloucestershire and Somerset (WAGS)
  10. Yorkshire

The boundaries of each Region are defined by river basins and by the location of Affiliated Members who are members of the Region.  Any changes to the boundaries of a Region shall be recommended by the Regional Chairs’ Forum to the Board for their agreement.

A Regional Rowing Council, as further provided for in the British Rowing Regulations, shall administer each Region.

The Regional Chairs, or their appointed representatives, meet at a Regional Chairs’ Forum three times a year with the Chair and Deputy Chair of British Rowing to consult on British Rowing’s policies and the development of rowing.

Regional Rowing Council Constitutions

Model constitutions for Regional Rowing Councils shall be issued and reviewed from time to time by the Board. These shall embody the principles of transparent financial accounting; democracy and clear roles and responsibilities and accountability; and a fair and open disciplinary system.

The Board may also issue model constitutions for Clubs.

The Voting Members of British Rowing - Regional Representatives

The Members of British Rowing are persons entitled to vote at General Meetings of British Rowing. They are elected by the Affiliated Members of British Rowing.

The number of Regional Representatives per Region is determined by a formula based on the number of registered individual members of British Rowing in a Region. British Rowing Articles of Association provide the Membership Provisions between clauses 40 – 52.

The Regional Representatives hold all the powers of the members of a company as defined by the Companies Act (e.g. power to call General Meetings and the power to vote on Resolutions). In addition, the Regional Representatives also have the power to elect four directors to the Board; the Deputy Chair, the Chair of the Sport Committee and two further Nominated Directors.

The list of Regional Chairs and their Representatives can be found on the Regional Directory page.

Regional Directory

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