
Report A Concern

British Rowing is committed to the ongoing development of policies, best practice guidance and central support towards Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults with care and support needs.

Got a question? Check out our frequently asked questions below.

Alternatively contact us at

Safeguarding Strategy and Policies

In pursuit of our commitment to promoting a safe and enjoyable environment in rowing, British Rowing’s Safeguarding Strategy sets out our vision to be among the leading National Governing Bodies of sport by 2025, showcasing the highest standards in safeguarding. We will ensure that our duty of care to children, young adults and adults at risk is firmly embedded at the heart of rowing.

Our areas of focus include: Defining safeguarding, early intervention, guiding best practice, robust case management, and commitment to ongoing monitoring and review.



Safeguarding Handbooks

Summary of Changes

Handbook 1 - The Club Welfare Officer

Handbook 2 - Handling Concerns

Handbook 3 - Club, Training and Competition Guidance

Handbook 4 - Safety in the Digital World

Safeguarding Training

Full details of the required training for various roles in clubs and competitions are set out in Section 6 of British Rowing’s Safeguarding Handbook 1 (see link above). Further details of each of the training opportunities available are listed below.

Once you have completed your training, make sure you upload your certificate to your member profile to receive the training credential.

British Rowing's Introduction to Safeguarding

Safeguarding and Protecting Children

Safeguarding Adults

Welfare Officer Training - Time to Listen

Para rowing coach with rower

Useful Contacts and Resources

Safeguarding Leaflet for Junior Rowers

Who is my club welfare officer

Guide to Understanding our Safeguarding Policy

Weighing Rowers and Coxes Guidance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is the Club Welfare Officer?

How do I know if I need a DBS check and who do I speak to if I need one?

What sort of background checks should a club carry out on its coaches, volunteers and employees?

How can I make my club safer?

What policies do we need to have in place for Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk?

What do I do if I see or hear something that I don’t think is acceptable or safe?

How do I know what abuse looks like?

Who can I speak to if I think I’ve been abused?

What do I do if someone has told me about abuse that takes place outside of rowing?

Are coaches allowed to shout at children during training?

Q: When can we start allowing our junior rowers to row or cox in adult (18+) boats?

Can children go sculling on their own?

What Safeguarding training do coaches and Club Welfare Officers need to do? Can I do training?

Can my child be picked up for training by the coach?

Can our club post pictures of children on our club website or social media pages?

Can my child engage in a group chat with the coach and other rowers?

Can we video junior rowers during our water sessions to monitor technique?

How should the club communicate with parents and juniors? How can we do this safely?

How can we make sure our club’s online activity is safe?

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