Accessibility Statement

British Rowing recognises the importance of providing a website that is accessible to our user groups, including people with a wide variety of impairments and health conditions.

This page sets out the accessibility features we have applied to our website to make it accessible to all. These features help to improve navigation and usage across the website including screen readers, keyboard navigation and text-only browsers so the British Rowing website can be enjoyed by all.

British Rowing is continually making adjustments and developments to improve accessibility of the website and the content of this page will be updated periodically to reflect these developments.

Digital Accessibility and Inclusiveness Paper

In 2017, British Rowing carried out a review to evaluate the accessibility of its digital channels. This Digital Accessibility and Inclusiveness Paper was produced in accordance with the WCAG 2.0 standard and with the support of the English Federation of Disability Sport.

British Rowing strives to make the sport accessible and inclusive to all and will undertake an annual review of its digital channels to ensure that they conform to accessibility and inclusivity guidelines and best practice.

Accessibility issues with our website

Whilst we strive for accessibility across all of our website, we know there can still be issues that make parts of the website inaccessible to some users.

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback regarding the accessibility of this site or if you experience any difficulty using it. You can give feedback by emailing us.

Help using computers, the web and assistive technology

If you need extra help in using computers, the web and assistive technology, you can visit BBC My Web, My Way. This site has videos and information to help you use the accessibility features of your computer and how to make it easier to use the web.

General Information

We have been developing our website to make it as accessible as possible. Some of its general features include:

  • The use of clear, and concise language and as little jargon as possible
  • The use of validated HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • The use of common web conventions, such as a top navigation bar

Standards Compliance

We have endeavoured for our website to conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA standard. However, we recognise that work to improve the accessibility of our website does not have an end date and we will continue to meet higher and changing standards.

Making the text bigger

You can change the text size in your browser to make it easier to read. You can find out more about how to do this by visiting the BBC My Web, My Way website.

Change the colours

We have tried to use colours that are in line with our brand to make the words on our webpages easy to read. However, we know that some people may have trouble with reading text in a certain colour or against a certain coloured background. You may be able to change the colours on your own browser when visiting our website. You can find out how to do this visiting the BBC My Web, My Way website.


Since April 2017 it has been our policy to ensure that all non-HTML documents on our website, are as accessible as possible.

Documents added to the website before this date, or when updating a previous document, may not be accessible. We will make efforts to update historic documents present on the site, where possible.

For documents provided in PDF or Word document format, you may need to install some free software:

Images, videos and other non-text elements

It is also possible to view the website without images and other non-text elements by changing the settings on your browser.


All new video content produced by us on our website (which is embedded from our YouTube channel) is available to watch with subtitles. Although occasionally we may decide to embed videos produced by others who may not have open or closed caption options. However, this will be chosen as a last resort over other video content which is subtitled.

Links and navigation

We have endeavoured to make all navigation links between internal and external pages consistent throughout our website. The site is also accessible using only the keyboard.

We always try to use text and a different text colour when setting up a link the website so that they are easy to identify and use.


We endeavour to make all data capture forms on our website accessible to users of the site. We clearly labelled tables, validate inputs, do not have time completion rates and used stylised elements to divide the form where necessary to be in line with WCAG guidelines.


Sometimes we use tables to represent information on our website. We ensure we follow all structural mark ups when creating out tables so that they are in line with WCAG guidelines.

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