Policies and Guidance
British Rowing has policies and guidance documents in place to help us keep the sport moving forward and achieve the highest standards of best practice
The governing body is committed to safeguarding and promoting the interests of those who take part in rowing at all levels. Our policies, regulations and guidance procedures are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect best practice. They are relevant to all members of our rowing community.
Rules and Regulations
The Regulations
The Board of British Rowing has approved and implemented the British Rowing Regulations, which apply to all participants in Rowing, and in particular:
- Regional Rowing Councils
- Regional Representatives
- Affiliated Members
- Registered Individuals
- The Board
The British Rowing Regulations will be regularly reviewed and approved by the Board.
- Regulations of British Rowing (October 2023)
The Rules of Racing
The National Competition Committee has the responsibility of developing and publishing rules for Rowing. These rules are referred to as ‘the Rules of Racing’.
The Sport Committee is responsible for all matters associated with the development of the Rules of Racing. The Board will approve the Rules of Racing and any amendments to the Rules of Racing.
Code of Conduct
The Board of British Rowing has implemented the British Rowing Code of Conduct, which establishes the standards of behaviour British Rowing expects from all participants in Rowing, and in particular:
- Rowers and coxes (including indoor, fixed seat, sliding seat, coastal, etc)
- The Parents, Guardians, Carers and Supporters
- Clubs and Competitions (and all activities connected to a Club or Competition)
- Umpires, Officials
- Coaches and Instructors
- British Rowing Employees, Contractors, Coach Educators, or any others who provide a service on behalf of British Rowing
- British Rowing Board of Directors, Committees, or Panels
- All Volunteers.
The terms above are used as referred to in the British Rowing Code of Conduct.
Disciplinary and Whistleblowing
The Board of British Rowing has the power under the Articles to make and enforce rules and regulations concerning all forms and aspects of Rowing. This includes the power to establish disciplinary and complaints processes and impose sanctions in respect of the breach of any rules and regulations relating to Rowing.
British Rowing has established a clear framework for identifying concerns, particularly those involving perceived failings in its governance process. This demonstrates the values of openness and responsiveness, which underpins its approach to running the organisation.
The Board of British Rowing has established a Whistle-Blowing Policy, which is available below.
If any person has a concern about British Rowing members of staff, any persons associated with British Rowing, or any Board member’s conduct on matters concerning suspected fraud, corruption or bribery whilst carrying out British Rowing, or, if any person wishes to report any an incident of illegal or wrongful conduct by any person associated with British Rowing, that person should refer to the British Rowing Whistle-blowing Policy and Report a Concern.
All notifications and subsequent internal investigations will be conducted professionally, ethically and with discretion. British Rowing will endeavour to protect confidentiality whilst any internal investigation is being completed.
Visit the Disciplinary and Grievance webpage for information concerning procedures and how to raise a grievance.
- Safeguarding Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure – under review
- Whistleblowing Policy (June 2021)
- Vexatious Complaints Policy (July 2020)
- Vexatious Complaints Model Policy for Clubs and Events (November 2020). This model has been provided to support Clubs and Events should they wish to adopt the Vexatious Complaints Policy as their own.
Diversity and Inclusion
British Rowing is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and is responsible for ensuring that no member, volunteer, employee or job applicant receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, gender reassignment, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity or parental, religion or belief, socio-economic status, sex, sexual orientation or political belief.
British Rowing will ensure that everyone who wishes has an equal opportunity to participate in the sport of rowing at all levels and in all roles, whether as a beginner, participant, performer, or as a coach, manager, employee, administrator or official.
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (2021)
- Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Guidance (May 2022)
- Transgender and Non-Binary Competition Eligibility Policy (August 2023 – active from 11 September 2023)
British Rowing is committed to promoting the safety of all involved in Rowing.
The Board of British Rowing has implemented policies and associated guidance to ensure that everyone who participates in Rowing does so safely.
British Rowing is committed to promoting the welfare of all involved in Rowing, and in particular children.
The Board of British Rowing has implemented policies and associated guidance to ensure that everyone who participates in Rowing can do so in a safe and enjoyable environment.
British Rowing will adopt and implement measures to facilitate the effective sharing of information concerning matters related to the safeguarding children and adults with partner organisations, and adopt and implement provisions to ensure that the relationship between the Executive of British Rowing and the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU), and Ann Craft Trust (ACT) is as efficient and effective as possible.
- Anti-Bullying Policy (2021)
- The Safeguarding page of our website contains the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, Safeguarding and Protecting Adults Policy and further Safeguarding Handbooks with additional information for Clubs, Rowers, Parents, and Welfare Officers.
- Weighing Rowers and Coxes Guidance (2022)
Youth Rowing Guidance – Indoor and On-water Rowing in Schools
We encourage schools at both primary and secondary levels to provide children with the opportunity to engage in rowing from an early age. To do this as safely as possible, British Rowing recommends that the sport is introduced in phases to young people, offering suitable ways for them to participate as they grow and mature.
- Youth Rowing Guidance (March 2024)
Major Incident Guidelines
- Guidelines for Responding to Major Incidents at Competitions
- Guidelines for Dealing With the Aftermath of a Serious Incident at a Club or Competition
Clean Sport and Integrity
British Rowing is committed to the principles and purposes of the World Anti-Doping Code, and in particular to protecting the rights of all persons involved in Rowing to participate in doping-free sport.
British Rowing has adopted as its Anti-Doping Rules the UK Anti-Doping Rules produced from time to time by UK Anti-Doping Limited, the current National Anti-Doping Organisation established by the UK Government for the United Kingdom.
- Visit the Clean Sport webpage for more information concerning Anti-Doping Rules, the Supplement Policy and your roles and responsibilities
- Anti Doping Policy (September 2021)
- Integrity Policy (August 2020)
- Environment Policy (April 2020)
- Environmental Sustainability Strategy (March 2024)
International Competition
World Rowing
World Rowing is the international governing body for Rowing.
British Rowing is the World Rowing recognised National Federation for Rowing for Great Britain.
Commitments to World Rowing
As the National Federation for Rowing for Great Britain, British Rowing is required to be autonomous and be organised and governed in accordance with the Articles.
British Rowing accepts the following obligations:
- to comply fully with all duties and provisions of the Statutes, Rules, Bye- Laws and Regulations established by World Rowing and decisions taken by World Rowing;
- to apply the World Anti-Doping Code;
- to immediately notify the World Rowing Executive Committee of any material change made to its Statutes, change of President and/or Secretary General, its address and contact details, or of any other elements which affects its ability to fulfil its membership obligations;
- to cause their own members to comply with the Statutes, Rules, Bye- Laws and Regulations established by World Rowing and decisions taken by World Rowing;
- in the event that a change in the registered design or the colours of its racing uniform or blades is desired, to make a request to the World Rowing Executive Committee at least three months prior to the first proposed use in competition; and
- to fulfil at all times all the conditions necessary for its admission to membership and to comply with all the undertakings given on that occasion;
- The Board will periodically review British Rowing’s compliance with these obligations.
- The Board will appoint as required delegates from British Rowing to attend each World Rowing Congress and any other World Rowing governance forums.
- British Rowing will pay all membership and other fees required by World Rowing.
British Olympic Association
British Rowing is recognised by the British Olympic Association (‘the BOA’) as being the National Federation for Rowing for Great Britain.
British Rowing will pay all membership and other fees required by the BOA.
British Rowing will respect and comply with the membership terms and conditions specified by the BOA from time to time.
British Paralympic Association
British Rowing is recognized by the British Paralympic Association (‘the BPA’) as being the National Federation for Para-Rowing for Great Britain.
British Rowing will pay all membership and other fees required by the BPA.
British Rowing will respect and comply with the membership terms and conditions specified by the BPA from time to time.
Selection for International Competition
The Board shall maintain and publish:
- a fair, open and transparent process for the selection of rowers to represent Great Britain in international competitions; and
- an appropriate and documented Selection Appeals Procedure in respect of the selections made for international competition.
British Rowing Selection Policy for 2025 to 2029
- Notice of Appeal Form (September 2023)
- Athlete Appeals Procedure (November 2024)
- 1st4sport Learner Appeals, Reporting and Handling Procedure (July 2023)
Drone Guidelines
- Drone Guidelines (October 2017)