Ranking Points

Here’s a brief overview of the key things you need to know about Ranking Points and the Personal Ranking Index (PRI)


Ranking Points are allocated every time you race in either a head race or a regattas. The number of points you get depends upon how well you do relative to others, and how many crews race.

Here are the essentials you need to know about Ranking Points:

  • Ranking Points have only been awarded for competitions held from September 2015 onwards, so you will only have Ranking Points if you have raced since then.
  • If you come last or are knocked out in the first round you are not allocated any points.
  • If you come first out of 50 crews you are allocated 145 points.
  • There is a non-linear scale between these limits, for example 10 points for beating ten crews, 30 points for beating 20 crews, 60 points for beating 30 crews and so on.
  • 145 points is the maximum allocation. If there are more than fifty crews, it’s calculated pro-rata.
  • In head races, points are allocated based on raw times for crews of the same boat type and Open/Women’s/Mixed classification in the same division, with crews aged J15 and younger being calculated separately.
  • In regattas, points are allocated based on your finish position in the event you race in with different bands being ’stacked’ to ensure the higher level bands receive more points. This is also the case if the regatta offers different ’level’ events in the same boat type, for example, Championship, Intermediate, Beginner.

When you enter a competition, the organisers manage the draw so that crews of similar ability race each other. The measure of ability they use is the Crew Ranking Index (CRI), which is the sum of the Personal Ranking Indices (PRIs) of the individual rowers within the crew, excluding the cox.

Here is how we calculate someone’s PRI:

  • The current value for each points allocation is adjusted according to how long ago the points were allocated.
  • Allocations under a year old are valued at 100%.
  • Allocations over five years old are valued at a residual 1 point.
  • There is a sliding scale between those limits; the more recent the allocation, the higher the percentage retained value.
  • Your PRI is the sum of the EIGHT highest current values.
  • If you have fewer than eight allocations, your PRI is the sum of however many allocations you have.
  • Coxes gain the same ranking points as the rest of the crew but these do not count towards the crew’s CRI. Everyone has a separate sweep PRI, sculling PRI and coxing PRI.
  • You can check your PRI by logging into your account in the British Rowing Membership system. From here, you can view your race history, current PRI, and how it was calculated.
  • You can download the full details of how the points system works here.

Event Banding

Competitions can divide their entries in a particular boat class (e.g. women’s double sculls) into bands, based on CRI, after entries have closed. The Competition Framework was designed to give competition organisers as much flexibility as possible in how they group competitors together, to help create closer, fairer and more exciting racing for the majority of rowers, and to increase the likelihood of crews getting a race. If you want to race in a higher band to push yourself, you can do so at the discretion of the competition organisers.

Main Classes of Events

Events may be held under the following classes:

  • Senior – including Lightweight and U23
  • Junior
  • Masters.

Events in each of these classes can be Open (regardless of sex), Women or Mixed, and in either discipline (sweep-oared or sculling).

Qualifying Events

A qualifying event is one whose result may affect the Personal Ranking Index of a Competitor (by gaining ranking points).

An event is qualifying when at least one race takes place in which a minimum of two crews have been placed. In general, all competitions are classed as qualifying and the British Rowing Rules of Racing cover this in detail.

Non-qualifying events

The following types of events are non-qualifying:

  • Events where special conditions apply and permission has been granted by the National Competition Committee
  • A private match arranged solely between the clubs or competitors concerned
  • Open only to members of one club, or solely to the clubs of one university or other self-contained body
  • Races limited to Adaptive competitors
  • A fun event generated on the day among existing competitors
  • Events held in recreational boats, or limited to competitors J13 or younger
  • A handicap event (other than Masters)
  • Relay races
  • Primary events as defined by Appendix C of the Rules of Racing
  • Bumping races
  • Events where competitors are allocated to crews on the day by the organisers.

Senior Class

Senior rowing is open to all registered competitors who are J15 or older, whatever their sex or weight.

Senior events may be banded (see above). Competitions may also set specific entry criteria for events e.g. academic eights.

Scottish/Irish/Coastal/Overseas rowers

British Rowing does its best to provide its affiliated competitions with up-to-date and accurate information.

Competitors who primarily belong to National Rowing Associations other than British Rowing might have a Personal Ranking Index (PRI) that does not fully reflect their ability. This is because PRI relates to British Rowing affiliated competitions and overseas representation for Great Britain. Crews containing such individuals are advised to provide the competition with details of their racing history with the understanding that their governing body may be contacted. This is to ensure that the competitors/crews are entered into an appropriate event for their experience and crew record.

Status points gained in points systems used by other rowing organisations/associations are not converted into PRI for rowers visiting Great Britain to take part in British Rowing affiliated competitions.

Relocation to England or Wales

Rowers who relocate to England or Wales from outside Great Britain and join a rowing club in England or Wales that is affiliated to British Rowing need to disclose their previous experience. This includes Irish rowers and students coming to study at university or college, but not Scottish rowers.

This is so we can allocate these rowers ranking points to reflect their previous experience; when they enter competition they can then be placed in a suitable event with others of similar ability.

To declare your previous experience please fill in this questionnaire AFTER you have joined British Rowing.

Further Information

If you have any general questions on the Competition Framework then please email competitions@britishrowing.org.

For queries specifically about your own Ranking Points and PRI, please use the query form within your account in the British Rowing Membership portal.

Download the Personal Ranking Reference Book

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