British Coastal Championships

The 2025 British Championships will take place from 1-3 August, at a venue to be announced.

Endurance coastal sculling races usually take place over 4km for heats and 6km courses for finals, usually with a beach start and a sea finish.

Got a question?  Email us | See the British Rowing Beach Sprint Championships for short-format coastal sculling races.

Offshore coastal sculling race in quads

1-3 August 2025 >


Further details will be published here early in 2025.


British Rowing Offshore Championships 2017-2023

2024 – Cancelled due to low entries




2020 – Cancelled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

2019 – Cancelled due to wind conditions





At British Rowing we rely on our amazing volunteers to make our events a success. We are always on the look out for people who want to help out – no rowing experience is required and everyone is welcome.

Please register via our Volunteer Hub:

Register to Volunteer

If you have any questions, please just email us at [email protected].

Beach Sprint volunteer

Retail Village

Each of our Championship events has a retail village for boats, blades, clothing, gifts and more. If you are interested in booking a pitch, please just email James Lee for details.

Retail stand

Coastal Sculling 101

Want to know a little more about Coastal Sculling? Read our quick guide below!

What is coastal sculling?

Coastal Sculling is sculling’s wilder cousin. It comes in two main formats: Endurance (Offshore) and Beach Sprints.

Coastal Glossary of Terms

Did you know that in coastal rowing, ‘singles’ are called ‘solos’?

Classifications follow the same lines as river rowing classifications do. ‘C’ stands for Coastal!

Classification Explanation
WC 1x Women’s Coastal Solo
MxC 2x Mixed Coastal Doubles
OC 1x Open Coastal Solo
OCMas 4x+ Open Coastal Masters Coxed Quad Sculls
WC 1x
Women’s Coastal Solo
MxC 2x
Mixed Coastal Doubles
OC 1x
Open Coastal Solo
OCMas 4x+
Open Coastal Masters Coxed Quad Sculls

Want to give Coastal Sculling a go? Find out which clubs and organisations give you the chance to try Coastal Sculling, or contact one of the network of Coastal Sculling Academies based at rowing clubs and other locations where you can learn and develop coastal sculling skills.

Find a venue or club to give Coastal Sculling a try

Contact a GB Coastal Sculling Academy

Close racing at the World Coastals (c) World Rowing / Benedict Tufnell