Adaptive Rowing Support for Clubs

Let us know how we can help your club to support adaptive rowing

If your club is interested in finding out more adaptive rowing or would like support, please fill in this form and a member of British Rowing staff or one of our Club Adaptive Group of volunteers will get in touch.

  • Include any questions or requests.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

More in this section

Adaptive Rowing Classification

Rowers with a disability who want to race either indoor or on the water will need to go through British Rowing’s classification system.  

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Adaptive Rowing Equipment

Adaptive Rowing uses equipment that is adapted to enable the individual to take part in the sport. The way people adapt to their disability is an individual process. Two rowers with the same disability may require completely different equipment modifications, so it is important to work with athletes to determine what is optimal to enhance…

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Try Adaptive Rowing

If you have an impairment and would like to try adaptive rowing, please use this form to get in touch

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Love Rowing

British Rowing’s charitable foundation

Love Rowing supports projects to increase the accessibility of rowing. Donate today!

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