
British Rowing is working closely with AOC (Association of Colleges) to encourage colleges and students to indoor row for their physical (and mental) health, as well as to gain valuable qualifications for future careers.


Go Row Indoor Workshop training for colleges

Go Row Indoor is supporting college fitness professional training providers to deliver a CIMPSA accredited workshop that will teach college student instructors how to deliver a world class indoor rowing offer simply and effectively.

The workshop is highly recommended for entrants into the AoC Sport Fitness Instructor Competition, in which indoor rowing is a key discipline. Workshops are delivered by a fully trained British Rowing Master Trainer and can be tailored to your college needs, taking account of class timetables, venue, and class size, equipment availability and delivery method (in-person or virtually).

We also offer a Go Row Indoor online workshop.

For more information about what is available for colleges, download the Go Row Indoor college offer here.

AoC Sport National Fitness Trainer Competition

Every year British Rowing works closely with AoC Sport to help with the National Fitness Trainer Competition.  The competition challenges aspiring fitness professionals’ skills on industry-driven criteria – developed by a professional technical experts group  – and allows them to demonstrate that they have more to offer prospective employers than just their qualification. Indoor rowing is one of the key judged disciplines with heat and finalist tasks, and an indoor rowing judging criteria. British Rowing provides training opportunities, support and advice for student competitors taking part, helping them excel as far as they can in the competition. Below are some key resources to get you started for competition preparations.

Go Row Indoor Online Training Module

How to get started

Inside Indoor – Powered by British Rowing (The Home for Indoor Rowers)

The Coaching Stream – our one-stop shop for coach development resources

Become a Go Row Indoor College Club

British Rowing is ready to support your college become an official Go Row Indoor Club.

With a package of support to help utilise existing college facilities and expand your rowing offer, the Go Row Indoor Club programme is ready to connect your venue with the wider student community, help in generating new additional revenue, and get more people active thanks to the delivery of  indoor rowing classes, activations, and new indoor activities.

Find out more

AoC Sport and British Rowing College Challenge

AoC Sport is delivering the 2024/25 Virtual Rowing Challenge, alongside British Rowing, as part of the AoC Sport Introducing initiative.

Open to any college, staff and students to sign up for FREE.

This year, we’re introducing two challenges each term: one for individual participation and another for you to team up with your peers and compete together.

Choose your challenge, choose how you take part, and submit your scores for a chance to win medals for finishing in the top spots!

Individual (Released 4th of November 2024)

Challenge 1 – 1 Minute
Challenge 2 – 100m

Team Relays (Released 6th January 2025)

Challenge 3 – 2028 metres (LA 2028 themed)
Challenge 4 – 4 minutes

Enter the college challenge

College Challenge Leaderboard

[View full screen map]


Results from previous AoC Sport and British Rowing College Challenges

Contact Us

If you would like to ask a question or find out more about how your college can get involved in any of the above, please email [email protected]

Why Go Row Indoor?

There are many great reasons to Go Row Indoor

Anyone can do it, it is great for core strength, efficient for fat burning and easy to learn and access.

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From app challenges, to our annual British Rowing Indoor Championships (BRIC) and much more.

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