Go Row Indoor

Go Row Indoor, our indoor rowing programme, aims to get everyone rowing whether it be for fun, fitness or competition whatever indoor rowing machine you use.



Whether you’re a complete beginner or a rowing pro, Go Row Indoor has something for you.


Why Go Row IndoorWhere to Indoor RowHow to Indoor RowIndoor Rowing Partners
Indoorrowingclass10-940x528Man on waterrower by windowMan on indoor rower in gymImage of sculler in Henley from EXR game
Not sure what all the fuss is about?
Find out why indoor rowing is the perfect exercise for you.
Indoor rowing is easy to access.
Find out where.
Whether you are just getting started or perfecting your technique, we are here to help.Find out more about our indoor partners.
From manufacturers to tech apps helping make indoor rowing more fun.
Why Indoor Rowing?Where can i row?Get startedIndoor Partners
Not sure what all the fuss is about?
Find out why indoor rowing is the perfect exercise for you.
Why Indoor Rowing?
Man on waterrower by window
Indoor rowing is easy to access.
Find out where.
Where can i row?
Man on indoor rower in gym
Whether you are just getting started or perfecting your technique, we are here to help.
Get started
Image of sculler in Henley from EXR game
Find out more about our indoor partners.
From manufacturers to tech apps helping make indoor rowing more fun.
Indoor Partners

Why Go Row Indoor?

There are many great reasons to Go Row Indoor

Anyone can do it, it is great for core strength, efficient for fat burning and easy to learn and access.

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Ready to race?

There are lots of opportunities to compete.

From app challenges, to our annual British Rowing Indoor Championships (BRIC) and much more.

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