Submit a job posting

Fill in this form to submit a job posting for including on our Rowing Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities page

Please note that submission using this form does not guarantee that the role will be posted. If it is accepted for posting, we will let you know when it has been posted. We aim to post submissions within 2 working days.

Acceptable submissions from clubs affiliated to British Rowing are posted for free. If the submitting organisation is not an affiliated club, we will contact you before posting with our advertising rates.

e.g. club or school name
Upload a small logo c.200x200px
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 32 MB.
e.g. Rowing Coach
e.g. [Clubname] seeks a qualified rowing coach to lead their junior section and manage a team of 5 volunteer coaches.
Full information about the role and person specification.
Give URL of your website OR specify an email address and what documents should be sent there (e.g. CV and covering letter).
e.g. Full Time or Part-time/session (specify hours)
If unpaid, enter "Volunteer". Enter "Dependent on experience" if no figure specified at this stage.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Your name (will not be published)(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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