Learn to Row Organisers’ Guide
Delivering learn to row couldn’t be easier with our handy Learn to Row Organisers’ Guide!

Rowing clubs across the country play a vital role in welcoming new people to the sport and teaching them how to row. British Rowing has relaunched the Learn to Row Organiser’s Guide so you have the right tools to run a successful Learn to Row course.
British Rowing will provide support to help you in the delivery of your course and everyone will know that you:
·    Set high standards in your delivery of a Learn to Row course
·    Welcome people to your club
·    Support them during their Learn to Row course
The guide is not prescriptive but aims to encourage Course Organisers to question what they plan to do and why, and whether they have put in place the right resources to deliver the programme. It asks them to ensure that everyone understands what they will get from the course. It asks Course Organisers to think about a continuation plan for everyone who completes the course so they can continue to row in a way that is suited to their needs. Sign up below to receive the latest Organiser’s Guide.
Learn to Row Organiser's Guide
Find out more from other clubs who run Learn to Row courses by watching this webinar.