Club Constitution and Codes of Conduct

To affiliate to British Rowing you will need to have a club constitution.

We recommend keeping this in line with our model (see attachment below but please bear in mind this is currently under revision). When you are applying for accreditation and funding you will normally be required to have certain clauses included and these are all contained in this document. This will help you to maintain your constitution as appropriate to your club’s individual circumstances and the needs of a modern sports club.

How club members behave reflects on the club and on the sport in general so it’s important to set out the standards of behaviour expected from members.

Acceptance of and adherence to a code of conduct ought to be a condition of club membership and we strongly advise adding this to the club’s membership form. That way members sign up to accept that it is their own responsibility to act in accordance with these guidelines. This would include both club members and parents of junior members.

If a member’s behaviour does not reach the expected standards, the club should have fair and open measures in place to address the issues, thus avoiding any serious disputes that could be a potential drain on time and money.

See the links and documents below for frequently asked questions and a guide to adopting and applying a club code. See the Grievance and Disciplinary page for more information on this.

British Rowing has a Code of Conduct for anyone participating in rowing activity or working in an affiliated club or organisation.

A brief question and answer Advisory Sheet is also available as well as Guidance for clubs in adopting and applying a code of conduct.


School Clubs Model Constitution 2015

Open Clubs Model Constitution 2015


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