Coaching course FAQs

More information on the coaching courses that run.

Why should I become a qualified coach?

Completing a British Rowing coaching qualification is a lot more than simply achieving a certificate.  The courses will broaden your thinking and bring to life some of the challenges you encounter in your coaching environments, enabling you to discover solutions.  Your course is also a great opportunity to meet like-minded coaches and build a future support network to help you to continue to develop beyond the course itself.

I do not know which qualification I should choose. What are my options?

The Session Coach course is aimed at coaches who deliver individual sessions. This could be part of a Learn to Row course, delivered alongside a qualified coach.  You might choose this qualification because you help at your club as part of a coaching team or maybe you undertake casual employment by a club, school, sports centre or university.

The Club Coach course is aimed at coaches who deliver linked and progressive sessions as part of a training programme.  It introduces you to the principles of developing rowers.

The Senior Club Coach course is aimed at coaches who deliver an annual programme and develop others as part of that programme.  Coaches who wish to apply for this qualification must hold the Club Coach Qualification and the Level 2 in Strength and Conditioning for Sport.

The Advanced Coach qualification is aimed at coaches who are designing, implementing and evaluating the process and outcomes of long-term specialist coaching programmes.  It is delivered in partnership with the University of Gloucestershire and successful coaches will be awarded a Post Graduate Diploma in Professional Sports Coaching in addition to the Advanced Coach qualification.

Who delivers the courses?

The courses are organised by your regional coaching representative and delivered by local coach educators who have undertaken full training and continue to maintain their standards through regional and national standardisation events.

British Rowing coach educators are not direct British Rowing members of staff but are committed members of the rowing community who have trained to deliver these courses.  Feedback from courses often highlights how professional our coach educator workforce is and identifies them as a really positive aspect of taking a coaching qualification.

What are the key differences between the Session Coach and Club Coach Qualifications?

The main difference is who the courses are aimed at.  If you are a coach who helps with occasional sessions or maybe on a Learn to Row Course, the Session Coach is perfect to give you a professional qualification that will underpin your coaching practice.   The Club Coach course is aimed at coaches who are more engaged with regular coaching such as putting together a programme for a club squad and linking progressive sessions.

I do not think I am ready to do a Club Coach course yet. Can I top up from the Session Coach course?

If you feel you want to undertake the Club Coach course soon, then it is best to register to do one now instead of the Session Coach course.  You have two years to complete the Club Coach qualification and you will be encouraged to network with local coaches to help you develop your skills and confidence before your final assessment.

What is the point of going on the more expensive Club Coach Qualification?

The Club Coach course is aimed at a different type of coach to the Session Coach course, even though both coaches might regularly coach.  If you want to become a coach who has the skills to progress the rowers, you work with over a season then the Club Coach course may be more suitable for you.

Does being qualified as a Club Coach make me a better coach than someone who holds the Session Coach qualification?

Holding a coaching qualification does not automatically make you a better coach.  It is how you choose to use the knowledge you gain on a course and implement it in your own coaching environment that demonstrates if you are a successful coach or not.  Being a great coach is not just about winning races. It is about changing lives and developing those who participate in rowing, so they have the opportunity to enjoy lifelong involvement in our sport thanks to the support and encouragement they receive.

For many it may mean winning medals, for others it may mean being able to simply enjoy being out on the water safely.  A British Rowing coaching qualification can start you on your journey of implementing new ideas, knowledge and continued growth through the experience of coaching practice.

I do not think I can afford to go on a course. Is there any funding available?

Your Regional Rowing Council sometimes offer funding for coaching courses in your local area.  Contact your Regional Coaching Representative to find out if your rowing council participates in awarding coaching funds.   Further details can be found here.

Your club will often offer financial support in return for a commitment from you to deliver an agreed number of coaching sessions.

UK Coaching also provides some advice on funding opportunities and further details can be found here.

I am worried about failing. What help is available?

Taking a coaching qualification is a development journey.  We recognise that you might need a bit more time and support before you complete your qualification.  You will be assigned an assessor who will help you to ensure your coaching evidence (known as a portfolio) is completed to the standard required and that you are fully prepared for your coaching assessment.

If you are considered to be not yet competent during your coaching assessment, the assessor will identify an action plan with you so you can continue to develop and set a re-assessment date. There will be an additional re-assessment fee.

How do you price the courses?

All British Rowing qualifications are run to professional standards to ensure they continue to meet nationally recognised qualification standards (just like GCSE’s and A ‘Levels).  They are continually developed and adapted to meet the needs of the changing face of our sport.  Some of the costs include:

  • Professional British Rowing staff who develop and evolve content
  • Coach Educator training
  • Tutor, assessor and quality assurance delivery fees
  • British Rowing Staff to continually develop and maintain the online learning platform (RowHow)
  • Central administration staff to process courses and certification. Up to date hard copy and online resources
  • British Rowing staff to maintain the qualification accreditation and ensure that the delivery of the qualifications is to the highest standards.

British Rowing works hard to balance the quality of the learner experience with an affordable pricing structure.

Are there any coach networking opportunities available to me in my region?

Regional networking is run through your Regional Rowing Council.  There are a variety of events depending on the region.  If you have an idea for a training or networking event in your region, please contact your Regional Coaching Representative.

Can my club host a course?

Yes, if your club meets the venue specification.  It is generally preferable to have open courses.  An open course means it is more likely to attract minimum numbers and to create a learning environment that has a variety of coaching experiences to broaden everyone’s coaching development.  If you would like to host a course, email us.

More in this section

Advanced Coach (Level 4)

Are you a high performing coach looking to use research and expertise to enhance your programme?

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Club Coach (Level 2)

Are you looking to become a rowing coach, to develop rowers and provide a rewarding experience of the sport?

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Senior Club Coach (Level 3)

Do you want to take your rowers that step further through well designed and appropriate annual training programmes?

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Session Coach (Level 2)

Do you want to support your club by coaching occasional sessions or running learn to row courses?

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