Resources for recreational rowers and coaches
British Rowing Technique
Technique is a key aspect of a rower’s development, alongside physical and psychological development
Rowing Exercises
Exercises to improve your rowing technique, skills and confidence on the water
Glossary of Rowing Terms
From the difference between a quad and a four, to 'rigger jiggers' and 'rating', get up to speed with common rowing terms
Staying safe is all about taking care to avoid accidents
Club Coaching Assistant Training
The Club Coaching Assistant provides an entry level for you to get involved in supporting rowing activities at your club
Rower Development Guide
All about British Rowing’s interactive online tool for both coaches and rowers
Rowing Warm Up
It's important to warm up your muscles before any form of exercise as this reduces the risk of injury
Coxes are responsible for the crew on the water, keeping a good lookout, steering the boat, issuing commands to the crew and motivating them, and more
Information about insurance cover for rowers, coxes, coaches, affiliated competitions and clubs
Rowing Tour Affiliation
Tours that choose to affiliate to British Rowing receive Public Liability cover through British Rowing's insurance provider
Learn to Row Course Outline
Learn to Row courses tend to use a basic ‘curriculum’ that is adjusted according to how participants progress. As a starting point, here is an outline for a typical six-session course.