Social Media

A guide to some of the best accounts to follow

What we find online can be incredibly helpful to either create new networks, find out about development opportunities, or simply develop your knowledge of training and technique. With the almost infinite options to find out more, some of our recommended accounts are listed below. If you follow a social media account you think we should recommend, please get in touch to let us know about them!

British Rowing

Facebook  @BritishRowing | Twitter @BritishRowing | Instagram @britishrowing

British Rowing Learning, Education and Development

Twitter @BR_Coach_Ed


Facebook @Concept2Inc | Twitter @Concept2UK | Instagram @concept2uk

Great Britain Rowing Team

Instagram @gb_rowing_team

Junior Rowing News

Facebook @juniorrowingnews | Twitter @JuniorRowing | Instagram @juniorrowingnews

London Youth Rowing

Facebook @LondonYouthRowing | Twitter @LYRowing | Instagram @londonyouthrowing

Love Rowing

Twitter @LoveRowing_BRCF

PE Scholar

Facebook @PEScholar | Twitter @PEScholar

Positive Float

Facebook @tim.fenemore | Instagram @timfenemore

Project 500 – More Women, Better Coaching

Facebook @Project500uk

Science of Rowing

Facebook @scienceofrowing | Twitter @ScienceofRowing | Instagram @scienceofrowing

Scottish Rowing

Facebook @scottishrowing | Twitter @ScottishRowing | Instagram @scottishrowing

Street Games

Facebook @StreetGamesSportsCharity | Twitter @StreetGames | Instagram @streetgameslondon

UK Coaching

Facebook @OfficialUKCoaching | Twitter @_UKCoaching | Instagram @ukcoaching


Facebook @waterroweruk | Twitter @WaterRowerUK | Instagram | Pinterest @WaterRowerUK

Welsh Rowing

Facebook @WelshRowing1 | Twitter @WelshRowing | Instagram @welshrowing

World Rowing

Facebook @WorldRowing | Twitter @WorldRowing | Instagram @worldrowingofficial | Pinterest @WorldRowingOfficial | TikTok @worldrowing

Youth Sport Trust

Facebook @YouthSportTrust | Twitter @YouthSportTrust | flickr @youthsporttrust

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