British Rowing News

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Annamarie Phelps becomes vice-chair of British Olympic Association

British Rowing chairman Annamarie Phelps is unanimously elected vice-chair of the British Olympic Association, having sat on the executive board since 2015

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CPGA and British Rowing launch first ‘Club in a Box’ training gig in Dorset

The ‘Seven Stars’ was launched in Christchurch, Dorset, on 18 February – the first of two GRP training gigs that will be loaned to clubs around the country

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British Rowing to host anti-doping Q&A on Facebook

British Rowing will be hosting a live Q&A on anti-doping and clean sport in rowing on the evening of 16 February.

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British Rowing responds to Sport England funding announcement

British Rowing has been awarded £4.1m funding from Sport England for the 2017-2021 investment cycle

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British Rowing Sports Presentation Workshop explores how rowing can improve its spectator experience

British Rowing hosts its first Sports Presentation Workshop to discuss how it can improve accessibility and interaction for fans

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British Rowing announces findings of the internal review of its High Performance Programme

British Rowing announced today that it has completed the internal review of its High-Performance Programme (HPP) which it commenced in June 2016.

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Latest update on the Competition Framework

It’s been a big week for rowing as the Competition Framework enters its next phase with Personal Ranking Index points going live

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Safeguarding and child protection reminders for clubs 2017

Some important reminders for clubs and members about safeguarding and child protection procedures

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Election of British Rowing regional chairmen and representatives

The British Rowing Council welcomes four new regional chairmen, new representatives and sees three members extending their positions until the end of 2019

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Safety Alert – Know Your River

It will soon be that time of year when rivers flow fast. This introduces many hazards that can be managed or avoided but only if you know about them in advance.

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