Competitions and Clubs

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British Rowing x Boat Race – Statement on training dispensation

The Boat Race is scheduled to take place on Sunday, 4 April 2021 and British Rowing has agreed with The Boat Race Company that named athletes may train specifically for the event under UK Government guidance for elite sport.

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Return of School Rowing – 8 March

With schools returning on 8 March, we’ve set out what we know so far and highlight some of the questions we’re still actively seeking answers

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Safety: equipment checks down the boathouse

Stephen Worley, British Rowing’s Honorary Rowing Safety Advisor, shares some useful resources for equipment checks when the time comes to open the boathouse

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iRowClean, domestic abuse and safeguarding resources

Catch up on the latest updates from the Governance Team below

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British Rowing welcomes Government’s COVID-19 Roadmap

Whilst there are some clarifications that are still required, here’s what we know so far

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More Adventurer Series challenges announced

The final stages of the Adventurer Series are now confirmed and see a team element introduced to the challenges

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It was a sucker punch after flooding in October 2019 and, last month, the water was back again

As if COVID-19 wasn’t enough, clubs around the country have also been affected by flooding. Toby Bryant finds out more

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CEO Membership Column – February 2021

This month British Rowing CEO Andy Parkinson highlights our clubs and community

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iRowClean webinar and new resources

Catch up on the latest updates from the Governance Team below

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We’re still here to help

Not much has been changing in the Government guidance recently but we’re still here to help support you and your club

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