Competitions and Clubs

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Update on new national restrictions

Following the publication of the new legislation giving the detail of the new lockdown restrictions, we can now confirm what we do know and where there are still areas we are seeking clarification

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Update on upcoming lockdown

Whilst we wait for the Government to publish the full details of the legislation of the lockdown, we wanted to share our current understanding of the likely position

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SAS hosts Sport & Business Leadership Webinar

On Wednesday 25 November, SAS, the Official Analytics Partner of British Rowing, is hosting an exclusive webinar with high performance coaches. Read more below

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Return to Rowing: New UK Government Local COVID Alert Levels

Following the publication of the Government’s new Local COVID Alert Levels, we have assessed their application to rowing activity

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Parents in Sport Week

Let’s talk about keeping children safe in sport.

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British Rowing Webinar – Return to Rowing: Competition Organisers

Following the test competition held at Tyne Single Scullers Head, we brought together a panel of speakers to answer questions about the latest advice for competition organisers on how to set up and run a COVID Secure competition

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Return to Rowing Guidance Version 7

We have updated our Return to Rowing Guidance to version seven, incorporating learnings from our test competition and updates in relation to recent changes to Government guidance and legislation

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Two ‘Return to Rowing’ webinars to be held next week

We are pleased to let you know that we will be hosting two webinars next week for competition organisers and university programmes

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Return to Rowing Guidance v6.1 Released

Our Return to Rowing Guidance has been updated to provide extra clarification on some areas including the process for competitions to demonstrate they are COVID-Secure

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British Rowing clarifies the effect of new Government Guidance

Organised sport, including rowing, is exempt from the new limitations on group sizes, however, clubs should remain vigilant and consider how the new rules may affect other parts of their activities.

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