Indoor Rowing
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Looking back on the Row to the Moon challenge
In conjunction with Rowing Australia, Rowing Canada Aviron and Rowing New Zealand, we invited indoor rowers worldwide to log their training metres with the shared goal of accumulating, as one singular community, 384.4 million metres – the distance from Earth to the Moon. This is how it went!
Read MoreGB Para-rowers train with London Youth Rowing juniors in webinar workout
Six members of the GB Rowing Para squad and coaches held an innovative Giza Pyramid webinar session with London Youth Rowing last Saturday
Read MoreWinners of the 5,000m and 500m Online Races
Following the success of the One Minute Challenge, British Rowing last week launched a series of online races and challenges for indoor rowers to compete in from home in association with SAS, British Rowing’s Official Analytics Partner
Read MoreBritish Rowing announce Row to the Moon challenge alongside other National Federations
Following the huge success of the recent One Minute Challenge, British Rowing, Rowing Canada Aviron, Rowing Australia and Rowing New Zealand are today announcing the launch of the Row to the Moon challenge
Read MoreBritish Rowing Lockdown Webinar #11
Gyms may have started to reopen, but if you’re still working out at home here are Ben Sheath’s (GBRT Strength & Conditioning Coach) tips on how athletes can continue to complete strength training without the use of an equipped gym
Read MoreFirst ever British Rowing Virtual Championships announced
The groundbreaking event will be held on 27-28 June and will see indoor rowers competing live and in real time from their own homes
Read MoreRowing physique and performance
How does your physiology meet the demands of rowing performance? The GB Rowing Sports Science Team explains
Read MoreBritish Rowing announces four nation indoor rowing challenge
British Rowing, Rowing Canada Aviron, Rowing Australia and Rowing New Zealand have today announced the One Minute Challenge, a joint initiative for indoor rowers across the respective nations
Read MoreRowing the Atlantic from home
From Thursday 23rd April, Neal Marsh has set out to row the length of the Atlantic Ocean from the Canaries to Antigua, a total of 4,700km on a rowing machine, in support of the NHS
Read MoreSuccess for virtual Bewl Head
Bewl Bridge coach Wendy Morten relates how the virtual Bewl Head came about, with 120 rowers taking part from different clubs
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