Our Partners

Funding Partners
The GB Rowing Team is Lottery funded through UK Sport.More Information
Sport England LogoSport England invests both National Lottery and Exchequer funding to help support the development of grassroots rowing in England.More Information
Funding Partners:
The GB Rowing Team is Lottery funded through UK Sport.
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Funding Partners:
Sport England Logo
Sport England invests both National Lottery and Exchequer funding to help support the development of grassroots rowing in England.
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Official Partners
Kukri logoKukri Sports is the Official Teamwear Partner of British RowingMore Information
dryrobe® is the Official Change Robe Partner and Supplier of British Rowing, helping the GB Rowing Team to stay warm and dry in between sessions as they go about their day-to-day training. They also provide a discount to British Rowing members.More Information
Official Partners:
Kukri logo
Kukri Sports is the Official Teamwear Partner of British Rowing
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Official Partners:
dryrobe® is the Official Change Robe Partner and Supplier of British Rowing, helping the GB Rowing Team to stay warm and dry in between sessions as they go about their day-to-day training. They also provide a discount to British Rowing members.
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Official Suppliers
Science in Sport is the Official Performance Nutrition Supplier of British Rowing, supporting the GB Rowing Team in their training and competition.More Information
Concept2 LogoConcept2 is the Official Performance Rowing Machine of British Rowing providing indoor rowing machines and oars to the National Team. They also support British Rowing’s national championships events.More Information
Official Suppliers:
Science in Sport is the Official Performance Nutrition Supplier of British Rowing, supporting the GB Rowing Team in their training and competition.
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Official Suppliers:
Concept2 Logo
Concept2 is the Official Performance Rowing Machine of British Rowing providing indoor rowing machines and oars to the National Team. They also support British Rowing’s national championships events.
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Indoor Rowing Partners
asensei’s innovative Connected Coaching platform brings their world class coaching to all.More Information
EXR: Immersive Indoor RowingBritish Rowing and the virtual indoor rowing application EXR are working together to promote and increase participation in indoor rowing. As part of the partnership EXR provides a 10% discount on subscriptions for all members with the code BR10. Click ‘More Information’ and the discount will be automatically applied after your free trial.More Information
WaterRower LogoWATERROWER are the Official Water Rowing Machine of British Rowing. As part of the partnership, British Rowing members and Inside Indoor subscribers get a 10% discount on WATERROWER’s full range of products.More Information
Indoor Rowing Partners:
asensei’s innovative Connected Coaching platform brings their world class coaching to all.
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Indoor Rowing Partners:
EXR: Immersive Indoor Rowing
British Rowing and the virtual indoor rowing application EXR are working together to promote and increase participation in indoor rowing. As part of the partnership EXR provides a 10% discount on subscriptions for all members with the code BR10. Click ‘More Information’ and the discount will be automatically applied after your free trial.
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Indoor Rowing Partners:
WaterRower Logo
WATERROWER are the Official Water Rowing Machine of British Rowing. As part of the partnership, British Rowing members and Inside Indoor subscribers get a 10% discount on WATERROWER’s full range of products.
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Project Partners
Sports Aid LogoSportsAid helps the next generation of British sports stars by providing them with financial support and recognition for their achievements during the critical early stages of their careers.More Information
Swift Racing logoSwift Racing UK is a coastal sculling equipment and event supplier to British Rowing. The two organisations are working together to support the strategic development and growth of coastal sculling nationally through the LA2028 Olympic cycle.More Information
TPF SPorts logoTPF Sports is British Rowing’s online shop partner, supplying British Rowing branded merchandise.More Information
Project Partners:
Sports Aid Logo
SportsAid helps the next generation of British sports stars by providing them with financial support and recognition for their achievements during the critical early stages of their careers.
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Project Partners:
Swift Racing logo
Swift Racing UK is a coastal sculling equipment and event supplier to British Rowing. The two organisations are working together to support the strategic development and growth of coastal sculling nationally through the LA2028 Olympic cycle.
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Project Partners:
TPF SPorts logo
TPF Sports is British Rowing’s online shop partner, supplying British Rowing branded merchandise.
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Floating Point provides free floatation therapy sessions to the GB Rowing Team and an exclusive discount for British Rowing members. More Information
Floating Point provides free floatation therapy sessions to the GB Rowing Team and an exclusive discount for British Rowing members.
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If you are interested in becoming an Official Partner, please email us at partnerships@britishrowing.org.

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The Henley Royal Regatta Charitable Trust

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Love Rowing

British Rowing’s charitable foundation

Love Rowing supports projects to increase the accessibility of rowing. Donate today!

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