Report a Concern

How to report a concern about safeguarding, safety or an anti-doping violation, or submit a grievance about British Rowing

British Rowing is committed to a culture that is safe, inclusive, supportive, and protected. When a concern arises which goes against the rules or the values of British Rowing it’s important it is dealt with properly.

We have several mechanisms for raising concerns which are detailed below. When reporting a concern, please consider the concern you have and determine which of the processes would be most appropriate.


If your concern relates to child or adult safeguarding at your club, please report the instance to us using our safeguarding Report a Concern form. Club Welfare Officers should continue to deal with the matter at your discretion, or where the matter concerns a child, or adult at risk, who is at immediate risk of harm, it should be reported to the emergency services.

More information about safeguarding is available on our Safeguarding page.

Report a Safeguarding Concern


This reporting system is for everyone (Clubs, Individuals, Competitions or 3rd Parties) who need to report a safety incident or concern, whether or not damage, injury, or a health issue has occurred.

More information about safety is available on our Safety page.

Safety Incident Reporting

Disciplinary and Grievance

The British Rowing Disciplinary and Grievance Regulations apply only to grievances, and to disciplinary issues raised by Registered Individuals, Affiliated Members, and Regional Councils against British Rowing.

Any other dispute is referred to as either a ‘Club Dispute’ or a ‘Regional Dispute’. Club Disputes and Regional Disputes must be resolved according to the process specified in Appendix 6 to the British Rowing Regulations.

Anyone wishing to submit a grievance to British Rowing should visit the Disciplinary and Grievance pages.

More information is available on our Disciplinary and Grievance page.

Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures


If you are concerned that a doping violation is, or could be taking place in rowing, you should report your concerns or suspicions through UK Anti-Doping’s Protect Your Sport.

More information about Anti-Doping is available on our Clean Sport page.

Report a doping related concern


To read our Whistleblowing Policy, find the latest version under Discipline on our Policies and Procedures page.

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