Schools Head of the River

Type: Head Race

Date: Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Notes: The event is run under British Rowing Rules with these special Conditions: 1. Only ONE Entry per event permitted . 2. All Participants in the race must be in full-time education in schools or sixth-form colleges, and must not have attained 18 years of age by 00:00 1st September preceding the event [except when BR rule 2-3d applies] 3. School First/J16/J15/Mixed eights events are ONLY open to single SCHOOL crews and are intended for lower standard school crews who would not expect rank in the top six crews in the country ie., like NSR Childe-Beale of fond memory. 4. No composite entries are allowed or ‘flags of convenience’ crews please. 5. A significant aim of the Schools Head [taking place on a School day] is to promote rowing in schools and school Boat Clubs. Where possible, Schools should have first call on rowers who also row with clubs please. 6. All competitors must have attained their 13th birthday. 7. A club may only enter a ‘2nd or ‘3rd crew if a genuine first crew has been entered. 8. A School who has won a School First/J16/J15 pennant last year would not be expected to enter the same 'school' event or the 'school' event for the year above , this year . It is a condition of entry that all those taking part are competent swimmers. The committee take every precaution to ensure the safety of competitors, but is not to be held responsible for accidents.



Allows Non British Rowing Crews: Yes

Allows Composite Crews: No

Accepts Online Payments: Yes

Status: Closed for Entries

Competition Location