Safe Sport

Resources to help everyone in rowing keep the sport safe and clean and to safeguard participants



Find Out More

Report a Concern

How to report a concern about safeguarding, safety or an anti-doping violation, or submit a grievance about British Rowing


Staying safe is all about taking care to avoid accidents


British Rowing policies, best practice guidance and central support for safeguarding children, young people and adults

Clean Sport

British Rowing strongly believes in clean sport and works in partnership with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and our international federation, World Rowing, to ensure that rowing's integrity is protected

Athlete Health

The British Rowing central hub for information on rowers' health

Supporting Positive Mental Health

A series of resources and tools to support the mental health of rowers and all those around them

British Rowing Clearance Store

Including over 50% off 'retro' t-shirts!

Shop the sale now

Love Rowing

British Rowing’s charitable foundation

Love Rowing supports projects to increase the accessibility of rowing. Donate today!

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