Send us #YourStories

There are countless individuals across England and at all levels who make the sport of rowing what it is. British Rowing is encouraging everyone from affiliated clubs to tell us Your Stories.


Photo (c) Nick Middleton

Whether you want us to report on your event, celebrate a milestone for your club, highlight the success of a fundraiser you held recently, or champion the work of dedicated volunteers, #YourStories gives affiliated clubs and events the chance to tell us what is happening in their rowing community.

The purpose of #YourStories is to celebrate, inform, educate and highlight opportunities within rowing. We would particularly like to receive:

  • Event reports
  • Stories about a new activity, programme or event
  • An innovative idea or pilot scheme that provide a case study for other clubs
  • A fundraising initiative or sustainable business practice for clubs
  • Outreach and support within the local community
  • Growth in participation and/or diversification of participation offer and membership

Bring #YourStories to life by including a quote and images in your submission.

So what are you waiting for? Tell us #YourStories now by completing the form below, being sure to give us as much information as possible.

  • Your Details

  • Social Media Handles

  • Do you or your club have social media handles which we can refer to? If so, please enter them below.
  • Your Story Details

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Here are some things to consider when submitting your story: What happened at the event? What was great about it? When was it? Where was it? Why did the event take place? Why is it important that people know about your story? What do you want people to do after reading your story?
  • e.g. Melanie Jones, Club Captain
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB.
    Ideally, images will be landscape and 16x9.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB.
    Ideally, images will be landscape and 16x9.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB.
    Ideally, images will be landscape and 16x9.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you experience problems submitting #YourStories via the form above, you can also send us #YourStories via email.


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