Junior Coaches’ Conference: Back to Basics

The GB Rowing Team’s Junior Coaches’ Conference is back for 2013, and the theme this year is ‘back to basics’.

The biennial event aims to bring like-minded coaches together to exchange ideas and best practice, and will be held on September 28/29th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Caversham Bridge, Reading.

An ever-expanding list of confirmed speakers at the event includes double Olympic gold medallist Andy Triggs Hodge, alongside GB Rowing Team Start Manager Steve Gunn, British Rowing Chairman Annamarie Phelps and many more.

“The intention is to provide information that all coaches of junior athletes can use, whether you are a J14 coach or a school 1st VIII coach, no matter how much experience you have,” said Richard Boulton, GB Rowing Team Lead Coach for Juniors.

“We want as many coaches of Juniors to attend as possible – preferably more than just one person per school/club.”

Aims of the conference include:

  • to start discussions on topics that concern Juniors
  • to encourage lateral and forward thinking
  • to create an enjoyable environment
  • to learn more
  • to meet like-minded coaches
  • to answer the questions that you’ve always wanted to ask

Places at the 2013 Conference cost between £115 and £180, with a £50 subsidy for every second and third coach from the same club – generously supported by ‘The Scullery’/Oarsport Junior Sculling Head.

For more information, see the conference poster. To reserve your place at the 2013 conference, contact Laura Greenwood by email: [email protected] or by telephone: 020 8237 6767.

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